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Jungkook looked up. There, he saw his ex, Kim Taehyung. He looks more manly and intimidating now. Judging by his looks, he's not the jolly taehyung anymore, but nothing has changed in his physical appearance. He's still beautiful as fuck. Jungkook admits it. He was still mesmerized by his ethereal beauty.

Jungkook forced himself to smile. Why is he suddenly feeling something heavy inside his chest? This is the first time he saw taehyung since they broke up and it's bothering him how taehyung looked at him. It feels like he's the worst person. He feels so tiny just by taehyung's stares, but jungkook knows, himself, that he shouldn't be intimidated. He already moved on. He knows what exactly he's doing here. Everything about him and tae are all in the past. It's been already almost six years.

"Oh, hi there Taehyung-shi." He smiled. Not a forced one. A genuine one, but taehyung smirked.

"It's not nice to hear my name coming from your mouth." Jungkook raised his brows and shrugged.

Jungkook admits it. He was stunned by taehyung's reaction. It's been almost six years but he's obviously still has grudges against him.

"really? You literally said that I have the most beautiful voice in South Korea." He smirked. Whatever happens, Jungkook needs to keep his cool.

Taehyung furrows his brows, mocking jungkook. "When did I ever said that? Still a liar, Jeongguk-shi?"

"Are you fighting?" yejun suddenly asks. Jungkook bit his lips and closed his eyes for a moment when he heard his son's voice. he almost forgot. he's with the twins.

"No baby. We're not. You know what? It's getting late. We need to go home." He says with a hint of panic in his voice. He looks around to search for yoongi and hoseok but unfortunately, the two didn't follow them.

"Woah, Jeongguk! You're just gonna ignore me like that?? Wow!" Did Jungkook ever mention Jimin? Jimin has been one of the best things to happen to him since he met Taehyung. For him, meeting Jimin was like meeting an older brother.

"Jiminie hyung!!!" he rushed to hug the latter. he was too preoccupied by taehyung to the point that he didn't even notice jimin standing right in front of him. yes. they broke up, but taehyung's friends are still jungkook's friends as well as jungkook's friends to taehyung. they are all still friends except for jungkook and taehyung.

"you know what, gguk? I want to punch your pretty face right now." jimin whispered while staring at the twins."you never told me about this twins of yours??"

"they are my children hyung. isn't it obvious"

jimin chuckled, "i'm kidding of course!"

"I'll text you one of these days, hyung" Jungkook whispered back. Jimin smiled at him. His famous eye smile. "You're still weird, hyung." Jungkook shook his head.

"Ohhhh are we not invited to this reunion???" Jungkook shifted his gaze to where the voice came from. He immediately glared at them.

"Oh shut the fuck up hobi hyung!" He whispered to himself.

"Oh my god!! Hobiii hyung!! Yoongi hyung!!" Jimin yells.

"You never mentioned them to us, daddy." Jungkook frowned. His kids are pouting at him.

"Don't tell me you're gonna sulk about this??" He asks, laughing.

"Your friendship seems amazing. I want to know them, right yejunie??" aera smiled at his twin, a smile that was hinting him to just ride her thoughts.

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