Aniruddha Sangini

430 16 45

She entered her chamber all alone even after his return.

Her room appeared scary unlike yesterday though his was not their she knew he returns but now that's different.

" He must be busy with his new queen " She muttered under her breath.

Cheif queen of Aniruddha , Princess Rochana sat on her bed quietly.

She was also very young to digest the matter that Her husband married again he no longer only hers She should share him with his another wife.

" I must give up him I guess " She mumbled looking at the door.

" I must give up him I guess " She mumbled looking at the door

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" No I can't " She said hurriedly.

" Come on Rochana you can meet him next morning " She said to herself while she locked the door.

She sighed and arranged her bed and rolled for few minutes she was unable to closes her her eyes for a while.

Straight a way she came to balcony where full moon greeted her. The Elegant Dwaraka's nature was no less than heaven.

She closed her eyes as she started thinking.


Rochana's pov

I woke as the cool breeze brushed my body , It was midnight.

I felt thirsty as well as tired and exhausted.

It has been 4 months after our wedding but still everyday was our first day.

I tried to wake up only to realise the iron grip around my waist.
He is the Grandson of Shri Krishna of course strongest like him.

He was sleeping on my chest with his arm wrapped around my bare waist.

" Am I a bed to him ? " I thought running my fingers in his silky hairs.

" Oh I was thirsty , that's why I wake up " I thought later , that was not my fault his face had that much strong charm and enough to make me forget everything.

At first I made a vain trial of untangling myself from that iron grip as usual I failed.

" Arya " I whispered in his ears.

" Hmm " He hummed in his sleepy , sweet exhausted voice.

" I need water " I said rubbing his arm around my waist.

He opened his smoky eyes and looked at my face , frankly I again forgot the purpose getting up.

He frowned " I can't leave you " He mumbled.

" Just I shall drink water and return to you " I said pecking his forehead.

He kissed me on my lips and slided his arms away from me.

" Be fast " He said no ordered.

Thank god we get half dressed before sleeping or else I must have stood here like insane seperating my dupatta from his dhoti.

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