Chapter 5: Drama

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Having a big family isn't always a joy. Siya felt this more than all his family members combined. They seemed to love being in each other's faces and knowing each other's business. All. The. Time.

Speaking of being in each other's business, his baby cousin was currently in the bathroom yelling to his mother -Siyas's aunt- that he needs toilet paper because he made a huge dump. If it were at any other hour of the morning Siya would not have minded as much except it was breakfast and he was trying to enjoy his chocolate cereal. It became increasingly hard to do that when Lwethu went into great detail describing what his crap looked and smelled like.

"Thanks a lot Lwethu." Siya pushes the bowl away from him, looking at it as though it were a toilet bowl. His sister on the other hand was not having any of that.

"You're wasting food," Nele said to her brother grabbing the bowl of cereal and finishing it off for him.

"How can you eat after that?" He asked his sister who was practically just inhaling the food. All without getting a single drop on her school uniform.

"Oh please," she started mid-chew, "that's not the most disgusting thing to ever happen in this house."

Siya thought about it for a second and tapped his chin dramatically. "You're right, doesn't even make it to the top fifteen." He concluded.

"Siya..." Nele feigned agony, "why must you always use odd numbers, that is so uncomfortable." She shook her whole body expressing that just saying the word 'uncomfortable' was not enough, to sum up how she felt about odd numbers.

"It's not my fault you have a weird thing against odd numbers weirdo," Siya said, standing up to wash their dishes so they could get a move on before they became late for school.

"'Weirdo.' How original. I think it's your best insult to date." She replied while making sure all the things she needed for the day were accounted for.

"Thank you it took me all night to come up with that." He replied.

"Why are you two still here?" Mumbled a lady who was half asleep; had a comb in her hair; a toothbrush in her mouth; and was still in her pyjama t-shirt and shorts.

"We should be asking you that question, you're supposed to be at work in half an hour mom," Siya replied to his mother Londiwe who mumbled out a half-dead response and shooed them away with her free hand.

Siya and Nele yelled their goodbyes to the family and began their walk to school.


The siblings sat at their usual spot while waiting for the drama club meeting to commence in 20 minutes. "I'm excited about drama club, I can't wait to find out what we're doing this year. " Nele said to her brother as she munched down on his bacon and cheese sandwich.

"Yep, first one of the year, I'm excited too." He shook off the crumbs that were making Nele's pullover their home.

As though she were summoned by his thoughts, Miss Jensen arrived. Her black platforms made a statement as she strutted towards the hall where the meeting would be held.

"Good afternoon Siya, Nele. Early as usual." Miss Jensen addressed them, digging around in the pockets of her red checkered blazer to find her keys to the hall.

Nele stood and dusted the crumbs from her toast from her hands. "He prefers to be early. I prefer to eat the food he gives me, so win-win."

With a chuckle, Siya followed his sister and mentor into the hall to wait for the rest of the club members.

Upon arrival, the others excitedly talked among themselves and were making guesses as to what productions we had this year and who would play which role. Siya stood in a secluded corner of the hall watching all the hubbub commence when someone caught his eye. Among the assemblage was Katlego.

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