Rival 4

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*sora quickly rushes to Alex's house*

S-hi alex

A-about time you showed up

S-i was busy ok


J-hi sora

S-oh hi jax

J-something really creepy is happening

S-like what

J-two girls who were flirting with me have died

S-omg who would do such a thing

J-i know

*the squad all get a notification*

A-omg someone has been found dead in the river near the park

J-do you know who it is

A-it looks like someone who was talking to you

J-well i guess 3 people then

A-what do you mean

J-people who im hanging out with keep on dying

A-wow thats strange


A-we should get to bed it's pretty late


*before sora walks up stairs ayano ring him*

S-can i stay down here for a couple of minutes because i think my mom is ringing me


S-hey mom

Ay-why are you calling me mom

*the squad go upstairs*

S-sorry my freinds were downstairs with me

Ay-oh ok good job on killing her


Ay-this girl will be easy to kil she normally goes out at night

S-where to

Ay-next door to where you are

S-ok thanks wait what how do you kniw where i am

Ay -maybe i was watching you

S-ok im going to oretend i didn't hear that


S-should i kill her now

Ay-if you want anyway i have to go niw bye


*sora grabs one of Alex's knifes and walks nextdoor*

Rival 4-hi

Some people might find this disturbing

*sora kill her right away and rushes back to Alex's house and walks upstairs *

if the squad were in yandere simulator Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ