the confession

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All Of the chapter deleted so I guess I'm making a new one and it was on 500 something words so annoying

A-why was he calling you a murder

S-probably because of a girl named oka ruto she made me hold a knife whilst she had gloves on  and she probably has her club to back her up well she did but she's dead now 😂

A-sora stop laughing about her death it's not funny one of us could be next

S-wait your scared


S-why don't you just go home then

A-oh yes sora let me just walk over back to Texas because Japan and Texas are so close aren't they

S-wait are they

A-omg sora your dumb

S-no I'm not

A-really wait we actually need to tell the journalists about this so then we can prove you didn't have anything to do with the murders

S-yeah sure but Alex I'm gonna go sit down and if you need me just call me over

Um well this has just been underlined and yeah it's not the app and I'm dumb so yeah I don't know how to get it of but I don't care but anyway back to the story

A-hey journalist can I speak with you

Jou-sure but make it quick

A-well my friend sora would never kill anyone he's never wanted to hurt anyone but he told me something that you might want to hear about

Jou-well ok then what is it

A-ok well he said something about a girl named oka ruto

Jou-sorry to interrupt but she's dead

A-yes I know but he said she wanted him to hold a knife for something but she had gloves on and you know how she's a leader off a club she could of got them to kill because she was probably scared she was gonna go to jail and not kill people who she hated so she got her club to kill then but she died

Jou-thank you for telling me I will look into it but this still does not mean I'm letting sora go

A-oh ok then but thanks for listening to me

*the next day*

S-is it comfortable enough down here


S-don't worry it might take a while for you to love me as much as I love you


S-your just scared your definitely gonna love me and well if you don't I know how to kill you and make it look like a suicide

J-yeah well it's easy in Japan you leave your shoes we're you jumped

S-see you know one trick but I know more and we could kill toghever

The end for now anyway

I'm um yeah can't forgot my stupid word count but actually I like this chapter better than the one what got deleted but anyway the word count is 517

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