The squads kids

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Well so first you need to know the names before starting right so Alex and Levi=alexia
Charli and light=dark no I'm only kidding it's gonna be Mia and Ryan  now jaxx and sora well first of course there gonna have to be adopted wait but if that was possibles for boys to get pregnant how would it work anyway back to the chapter and yeah the name is gonna be uh Janice and yeah Luca has no kids because he's gonna be single forever but don't worry Luca I wouldn't date you either I'm only joking if you see this Luca

A-hi guys so I have a great idea we should go to our old school in Japan to show our kids so they can see if they like it

C-yeah that's a great idea

L-wait should I stay or go

Le-I guess you can come

L-but do I have to

Le-well you just asked

L-nice do I care

A-your acting like kids so shut up

J-wait but are we gonna tell them about the murders

*sora whispers to jaxx*

S-shut up and don't speak about that

A-of course not that would be a bad idea because they would never want to go to that school when there older

Al-wait mommy what murders

A-oh don't worry we are playing a game about a murder

Al-oh ok then we'll I'm going back to bed

J-but Alex what if we know someone who is the murder

*sora whispers to jaxx again*
S-be quiet you've been doing it for a lot of years now so stop trying to mess my life up
*jaxx whispers back*
Your life what about my life all you've been doing now is ruining everything

A-I doubt that jaxx but anyway let's stop talking about the murders because they were disturbing and whoever did that is probably in jail now so I guess we're safe and also their a lot older now so they probably won't murder kids

Le-wait Alex who did you think it was though

A-well that ayano aishi girl she is crazy and well she strange and she looks like she's always covered in blood but she made excuses saying it was paint

S-wait you though she was weird

A-yeah and you didn't

S-I mean I never really spoke to her because she did seem a bit weird around this guy

C-yeah wasn't his name taro Yamada I even heard that someone killed his sister it was probably ayano aishi

A-wait remember that bathroom ghost charli she was scary

C-omg yes I want to know more about her

A-maybe we should all go back tomorrow and check it out

Le-yeah that's actually a great idea

A-jaxx sora are you gonna come


S-no we are busy taking care of Janice but thanks for asking

*the next day because yeah*




Ja-can you stop fighting again your scaring me

J-don't worry Janice we're only pretend fighting because Alex needs us to for a video

Ja-oh I'm sorry

J-it's fine you don't have to say sorry

Ja-oh ok then we'll anyway Alex asked me if I wanted to go somewhere with her because you guys said you were busy

J-oh ok then have fun I guess

S-oh Janice


S-if you get a shovel and feel something hard near the garding club do not dig it up because you will not like it

Ja-ok then but what's under their

S-sit down I'll tell you

J-no actually Janice should we go do something fun

Ja-after the story

J-no Janice

S-come on let her listen

J-no sora Janice come on why don't we watch  something what you like

Ja-yeah sorry dad I'm gonna go with daddy but I will listen to your story after

S-ok then just don't be to scared

Ja-wait if it's somethings scary like all your story's I don't want to hear it


S-well jaxx your scaring her now bye shouting

J-yeah well if didn't she would still be scared anyway

Ja-no stop arguing and be nice to each other because remember you love each other

S-good girl Janice


Ja-wait why aren't you coming to that old school

S-you know what we will go for you Janice


S-jaxx go out the room for this conversation

Ja-what's wrong

S-just promise me you won't fall in love as how much I did with your dad

Ja-but why

S-love does terrible things to people

Ja-do you mean arguing

S-yes but more things

Ja-but like what then

S-I'm gonna have to tell you when you get older ok

Ja-oh ok then I'm gonna go to daddy now

S-oh ok then

J-Janice did he say anything to scare you


J-well what did he say then

Ja-well he said just promise you won't fall in love like I did with your dad and then also he said love does terrible things

J-yes please don't fall in love just how your dad did to me

Ja-oh ok then daddy I have a feeling that you don't really like dad

J-no of course I don't I love him

Ja-oh ok then wait aren't we late to my doctors appointment

J-oh crap yeah

Ja-daddy will I be normal though

J-of course you are normal all because you don't feel emotions doesn't mean your not human

Ja-but the kids at school make fun of me even Alexia

J-well Alexia is probably just wanting to fit in with other people

Ja-yeah but I try doing that to but it never works

J-well we better go before we get even more later

Ja-aren't we gonna tell dad we are going

J-no he will find out

To be continued

Word count 1063

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