Chigusa Busujima

38 1 0

Sora's pov
My next rival is called chigusa busujima most boy's like her so i have a plan

End of pov

C-hi sora

S-oh hi Charli

C-can i tell you something

S-of course

C-well i think luca has a crush on me i kinda like him but i like light more but light has a crush on pink charli and a girl called chigusa busujima

S-wait chigusa busujima

C-yeah why

S-no reason i think you should date luca because he likes you more

C-i might i dont have that much feelings for him though

S-well i have to go now bye

C-oh ok bye

Sora's pov
My plan was to make chigusa fall in love with light so then light will be with someone he likes i will have jaxx and luca will probably have charli

End of pov

S-oh hi light

Li-hi sora

S-do you have a crush


S-who is it

Li-chigusa busujima

S-why dont you speak to her

Li-no im not going to speak to her

S-oh ok then but why

Li-because no

S-hi your chigusa busujima right

Ch-yes that's me why

S-well my freind light would like to become freinds with you

Ch-never with that nerd


Ch-light i know you have a crush on me but i would never date someone like you i have a crush on your freind jaxx

J-wait what


J-i mean you are pretty but im not into you

Ch-wait what

Um yeah someone actually didn't die in this chapter im suprised

Word count-286

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