Stage I. the Dr.'s Creation

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In the Neighborville streets: Nighttime.

A certain zombie was throwing a impatient tantrum over a destroyed robot. He kicked pieces of the ruined automaton around and screamed like an infant. "Why does this never work???!!!!" He screamed profusely. He banged his giant, bulging head on the robot's hand and slid down into a kneel. He screamed toward the sky once again and ran toward the robot's head, resting on top of it's head was a transparent dome. He lifted the dome by the hinges and hopped into the robot's head. The head started to fly away and it seemed to barely be able to keep itself afloat. It was able to manage however and made it back to this grumpy zombie's base of operations. By the way, if you haven't guessed, it's Dr. Zomboss.
He walked into his laboratory, shoving and pushing past default zombies, imps, and gargantuars alike. He finally made it to his lab and transformed it into a conference room of sorts. He asked the multiple ashamed Zombie Heroes present a simple question. "Now, can anyone tell me, why we haven't one a single fight against those wretched plants!!!!?????"
A black suited imp with a large, blue bulb on his head replied "maybe because we haven't thought this through?" Zomboss shook his head at the imp, whose name is Impfinity by the way. "No no no! That's not the reason! I want to know why my brilliant plans keep failing!" A Superman-esque (more like Bizarro-esque) zombie answered this one. "Maybe because.... they aren't that brilliant at all?" Zomboss got up from his chair and leaned towards the muscular zombie, his glare intensifying with each inch he closed in. "You sir, do not know how IMMENSELY lucky you are for that accident with the Super Ray, or I would have just thrown you out to fend for yourself! In the woods! We're there are more plants than you can count! As a matter a fact, count to ten, all of you, without using those, anorexic appendages you call fingers. Do so and MAYBE I'll consider a word that comes out of your insolent lips." Each of the super powered zombies tried their hardest to reach ten, and let's just say, most of them failed. "Exactly, now that you remember whose the only other smart one in here, by the way, thank you Brainstorm for being the only other competent zombie in this room." The scientist Zombie Hero did a thumbs up as a way of saying "you're welcome" to his boss. "But anyways, back to business, I was thinking more along the lines of, "why Dr. Zomboss! Your plan was brilliant! Nearly nothing could have gone wrong! In fact! The only reason you failed is because you some how failed in execution of this BRILLIANT plan!" You get it?" Each Zombie in the room nodded in understanding.
"Question boss, in what way would you do this plan differently?" The muscular "Superman" zombie asked. "Why Superbrainz! I thought you'd never ask! I've decided to take a different approach to my plan! You see, my original plan, was to scatter the Plant "Zeroes" throughout the multiverse! But instead, I've decided to BRING the multiverse HERE! And with that I present to you ladies and gentlebrains, the new and improved, Alter-Dimensional Generator! Or ADG for short!" He lifts the tarp to reveal a purple colored cannon of sorts. "This version will allow us to bring alternate versions of us into this world, so that we can take over easier! We will mashup these universes, taking the only best versions of you with the best qualities! All who LOVE this plan, say Aye." Each of the Zombie Heroes say "Aye" in agreement.
Stage 1, Neighborville streets: Daytime
The Plant Heroes of .L.E.A.F. Responded to the ongoing commotion in the streets as the many plants and people ran away from an unidentifiable object. They turned around and saw what everyone was running from. "What is that thing?!" Solar flare shouted. "Don't know, and frankly I don't even care! Let's just take it down and capture this guy for good!" Green shadow responded. "So, what do think we should do Night? You're usually the man with a plan around here." "Maybe we can try and circle him, capture from all sides. Like a flank tactic." Nightcap suggests. "We won't know until we try. Let's go!" The Plant Heroes run/fly toward the cannon and surround Zomboss on all sides. "Zomboss, give up and come quietly! This'll be easier that way!" Green Shadow shouts. "No! You've foiled my plans for the last time Plants! But, to be honest, I must thank you! If my last defeat hadn't been so humiliating, I wouldn't have learned from my mistakes!" The Plants were shocked at this statement. "Wait, you don't mean" Beta Carrotina started but was cutoff by Zomboss "yes! This very machine is made from the salvaged remains of the robot I was going to scatter you throughout the multiverse with! And now, I've decided to try a new approach to my magnificent plan! Instead of sending you pathetic Plants through the multiverse, I'm going to send the multiverse, To YOU!" Zomboss calibrated the machine and aimed the cannon toward the sky and started to open a portal, but then, Green Shadow was able to tackle Zomboss, however, Superbrainz appeared and grabbed her off of Zomboss! He threw her at the controls of the machine, and the resulting impact recalibrated it! Citron used his portal gun to get Green Shadow out of the way from Superbrainz's next attack! Spudow took Citron (in ball form) and threw him at Superbrainz to distract him. Citron unrolled and fired a round of lasers at Superbrainz while Nightcap brought Green Shadow back to the base. But there was one thing that the Plants forgot about. The machine was still on. They all looked up as a figure fell from the giant purple portal in the sky. The figure landed on his "feet" and looked up with a smirk. His body shape was quite similar to Nightcap's, purple cap and all. However, he was wearing a outfit that was quite different. He was wearing a sort of black cowboy outfit, his purple shirt had 6 silver buttons, 3 on each side, and they all had a dark purple line connecting them. His jacket was completely raven-black, and he also had a silver shoulder pad on his right shoulder. His also wore gloves that had holes were the knuckles should be, as well as no finger for the thumb. He also wore a brown belt with a two holsters in the back for the 2 demonic looking modified revolvers in them. He also had a leaf symbol fastening the shoulder pad to the jacket. He also for some reason had what seemed to be a bass guitar on his back. And finally he wore a black bandanna were his neck should be. And coming back to those revolvers, he pulled one of them out and started shooting the shocked plant heroes.

The Plants dodged each bullet expertly, but they only kept coming. "Stop squirming' ya darn demons! Didn't give y'all an invite to dance!" The Mushroom said. He pulled his other revolver out and started to fire again.
The Plant Heroes once again dodged this bullets but this time they were tired. Really tired. "Finally tuckered out aren't ya? Well just stand still, and let me finish job." The mushroom aims his revolver at Solar Flare before stopping. "I'll start with you. This is what ya get for mocking my girl ya varmint!" He shoots a bullet at Solar Flare and it almost hits her! Keyword 'almost'. As the real Nightcap blocked the bullet with a katana. "You won't hurt her. Not on my watch."

"Fine by my, as long as I get to hert you, ya filthy imitation." The 2 Nightcaps started to fight each other, real Nightcap manages to knock fake Nightcap's revolvers out of his hands. He points the katana's edge at his face, and fake Nightcap puts his hands up "alright! I'm down!" "Good, so you'll finally let us explain?" Green Shadow asks. But the fake just smiles his Gyro-esque smile except without the lips and the grill. He pushes his hat up and replies "yep, except there's one thing I got to teach y'all first. Never let yer guard down!" He reaches behind him and grabs...his bass? "What? What're you gonna do with a guitar?" Solar Flare asks? "Whaddya think? I'm gonna play it." The fake answers. "Oh no! You're gonna play a guitar! We're so scared!" Beta sarcastically shouts. But then the fake plays a single cord, and sends everyone flying back. "Yep, y'all should be. That was nothing but a single cord, now imagine if I go into full solo mode." "You didn't *pant* let us *pant* explain. Green Shadow says. Fake Nightcap scoffs at this however. "Didn't need to, Ah know a shapeshiftn' demon when Ah see one." Be plays another cord and walks up to real Nightcap. He picks up his revolver off the ground and aims it a Nightcap's face. "Alright demon, before Ah blow you back to the nether, mind explainin' somethin' for me?" Nightcap scowls at the fake towering over him. "Ah'll go on ahead n' take that as a yes. Why? Why did you show compassion for her? Demons ain't usually supposed ta show compassion for their kin, so why did you?" "Because we aren't demons." "Then what could you be?" "This'll be hard to explain, but from what I've gathered, you are me from an alternate Dimension." "Alternate Dimension, Hehehehehe! That's right about the lamest excuse Ah done ever heard!" The Fake/Alternate Nightcap regains his composure pretty quickly. "But Ah ain't falling' for it." He gets ready to pull the trigger when he freezes for a moment. "Mah girl. Tell me her name. Now." "What?" "Say her name! Now before Ah blow you ta kingdom come!" "Aurora! That's her name isn't it!?" Solar Flare gets up and shouts toward Alternate Nightcap. He turns the Revolver on her. "How do you know?" "Because that's my name too." Alternate Nightcap drops his revolver from his trembling hand and drops to his "knees" he smirks a little before finally speaking. "That's a nice name. Yah know, mah girl doesn't have powers like you do?" He gets up and grabs his revolver again. He holsters the revolvers and slings his bass on his back again. "Ah'd say she's average, but that wouldn't be nice, she's too good for that...... so, this ain't mah world after all?" "I'm sorry, you've been brought here from your world from a failed plan to bring enemies from other realities." Rose says to the still smirking mushroom. "Nah it's fine. Ah suppose we'll have to call truce until Ah can get home now don't we?" He says holding his hand out. After consideration, Green Shadow takes his hand in her lead and shakes it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2021 ⏰

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