chapter 1-hamida got admission

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-Hamida pov-
"Ohhh my it 4:30 already almost time for fajr prayer..I finally got up from the bed thinking about my admission
Ya Allah when will I get admission jabal have gotten already God why it because my parents are poor
Is ABU only for the rich😭😭..

"Hmm ya Allah help me
I went down to the bathroom took my pink beautiful kettle which was one of the best gift my grandmother gave to me then I started performing ablution
I finished my prayers went down straight to greet my parent mummy Ina kwana, daddy Ina kwana both answered in unison lafia..kin tashi lafiya!
Yes I did..I answered
I went to kitchen to prepare food for my parents and I
Hmmm wayyyo there is nothing left in this kitchen how will I cook this rice without Maggi...why is my family this poor
I later cooked the rice with curry..
Mummy!!  daddy !! food is ready
Wow that's so sweet of you my daughter u are just like your mum said my dad..
Daddy why is that I haven't gotten admission yet my close friend jalal
has gotten admission.
My daughter it is the hands of Allah
We will keep praying
In shaa Allah you will get..
Hamida come and see be quick
Hamida Allah has blessed us
Ma Sha Allah 🥺🥺🥺
Mummy what is it?😱😱
She replied you have gotten admission to study medical laboratory science in one of the prestigious University ahmadu hello University..

My eyes where filled with tears I was very excited I felt on top of the world.. daddy!!  daddy!!
Hammy what is the matter? dad said
I have gotten admission.. Allahuma barik✨✨
Allahu akbar!!! Allahu akbar!!!!
Allah has done it for us finally
Hamida I told you be patient
Allah is the best timer.
I entered my room took my phone to call jalal but he didn't pick
What's going on😢
I opened my WhatsApp then chatted him up...he was online what could be the reason he didn't pick my call.
Hy Jalal,why aren't you picking my call ?
Hammy dearie I wasn't with my phone I went to get some item for my mum at the Supermarket are you? hope you are fine?
Yes I am fine...I have gotten admission just wanted to let you know
Wow!  hammy this is one of the best news I've heard this year...we will be in the same school 💃💃💃
I am so happy for you....

Who will I call next uhmmm
Oh yes!! Safiya the only girl who cares about me 🥺.
I picked up my phone and called safiya
Hello Hamida how are you ?
I'm fine thank you safiya
I have gotten admission....
Wow congratulations what course she said
Medical laboratory science..
Oww ohk she replied angrly
Bye Hamida
Is safiya jealous why was she talking to me like that? maybe something happened at home 🤔...let me forget about it,it 4:00pm already let me get something to eat with the little money I have ,my mum and dad doesn't even care about what we are going to have for lunch and dinner.

"My dad just lost his job and my mom sells tomatoes and pepper,
Alhamdullilah I have gotten admission I will have to start selling cloth I stood up from the chair open the door and went to amigo supermarket
Heyyy jalaludeen😊 my hammy how are you ?
I am fine why are you here
I came to buy my favorite ice cream glo slo
That's nice
Hope you are preparing for resumption?
I just can't wait to be in University so I will be free with everything I do
I laughed heavily
I forgot to ask Hamida why are you here ?
I came to get something to eat
With hundred naira what do they sell for hundred naira here
He smiled beautifully..
Let go to coldstone he asked
I was so happy when he said this at the same Time curious because I didn't tell my parent I am going to a far distance..I blushed and said yes to him,he bought  the ice cream came out of the supermarket we then boarded his brand new lexus,
My phone ringed it was my mum oh no!! Why is she calling this early? what will I tell her?
Let me just pick her calls so she won't think something bad happened to me
Hello mummy...haba Hamida where have you been my mum said , I went out with jalal
And u lied to me let ur dad not hear this..
U have to be quick don't get ur dad angry.

"Jalal please stop the car my Dad would not  take it lightly with me if he knew I went out with you
But you are hungry Hamida let me get you something to eat
Jalal packed his car at the garage of supreme supermarket we both entered the supermarket he got me food stuff (rice,semovita, Maggi)etc 
Thank you so much jalal...I am so grateful for everything thank you once again
Haba Hamida you don't have to worry
I can do anything for my close friend
I could not hold it,I was blushing
Let me drop you down the road because of your parents
I was still feeling anxious jalal dropped me off at a u- turn close to my house
Bye jalal hope to see u soon
Bye hamida
I walked down my street  finally I reached my house safely
Dad!!!! Mum!! I shouted heavily I am back
Hamida my dad asked frightening where have you been?  you know it is not good for a lady to go out all the time.
I was nervous
I went out with jalal dad and he got me some food stuff.                    hameeda my daughter be careful with this ur friend jalal I don't trust him,ohk I will sir
I feel relieved,I took the foodstuff to the kitchen
My mum came to the kitchen to get a glass of water her face full of surprise Hamida where did u get this food stuff from?
Mummy it jalal that got them for me
My daughter my  this is the kind of husband I want you to get married to
But mum!! He is my close friend we aren't sharing any bond,we are just close friend nothing else
Alright daughter may Allah protect you
Ameen ya Allah!!
I went into my room feeling exhausted I laid my bed then I slept off
"Hammy!! wake up my mum shouted loudly it is morning already go nd pray and do your morning routine..
Oh my gosh! why did my mum have to wake me this early I haven't slept for long period of time I took my phone on top of the shelf then I checked the time it was already 8:00am
Wow!!! I have not even pray my fajr prayer
I had a dream that jalal left me for another girl How annoying is that,I sat on my bed thinking deeply of the dream I had last night
Why would jalal do this to me, anyway let me forgot about it after all it is just not a dream it did not happen it reality
I prayed my fajr prayer,I went to greet mum and dad but they were not in the room,where could they have gone so early in the morning
I heard my phone ring I went straight to my room to get my phone it is my aunt,hello aunty rahama salam aliekum
Waliekum salam hammy
Ur dad was rushed to the the hospital this morning he was breathing so fast
Ohk..aunty..rahama which of the hospital?
General hospital at wuse zone six
I was so devastated  I took my hijab went to the the park and boarded a car
My eyes was filled the tears
Ya Allah nothing should happen to my dad!!
We finally arrived at the hospital I rushed down straight to the ward my mom was sitting on the floor
What happen to dad she could not answer she was crying and shouting
I could not hold my tears I started crying too
The doctor came out of the ward and called  my mum to his office
I tried opening the door that lead to the ward but it didn't open, have my dad passed away? why is the door locked I rushed down to the doctor office but I was not allowed to enter his office
Doctor: Mrs abdul your husband has been diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia
My mum:  acute lymphocytic leukemia I have not heard of that before is it a deadly disease
Doctor: ma'am it is a type of cancer of the bone and the bone marrow this means that leukemia cells cannot be seen in the bone marrow it spread to the  brain and it can only be treated with a stem transplant,it is a deadly disease and can also be cured
My mum: doctor what do we do next,I want my husband to be on his feet again..why does this has to happen
Doctor:you just have to calm down he will be alright by the grace of God,he should be taking his medication and also his food regularly...he will be admitted for a week because his drip last for week which will make him gain a lot of strength ,the visiting time is by 4pm,you can leave now ma'am
My mum: ohk doctor I will do as you say thank you so much doctor may God bless you..

I was still waiting impatiently for my mum then I heard sound from the door it was my mum she was trying to smile,mum!! I called her repeatedly what is wrong with Dad
Your dad is fine hammy he is just sick
I could see the looks on her face something is wrong but she is not telling me,mum what did the doctor say?
Hammy I said your dad is fine he is just sick but we cannot see him till 4pm so we have to go back home.
We Left for the hospital and went back home.

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