Golden Flowers

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I apologize, I know this chapter is short but they will become longer soon.



A soft warm light started to fill my vision as my body pulsed with agony. I pushed myself up into a sitting position, feeling the soft golden flowers underneath me except they were starting to turn into a dark crimson red because of the blood draining from a cut on my ankle. That must have been from whatever I tripped on earlier...

       I took a glance around at my surroundings, a soft warm glow looked down to me from the small hole at the top of this cave-like room. Strong healthy vines grew up the walls of the dark, cracked, earthy walls. Maybe I can try to climb up, if I don't have any broken bones. That would have to be a miracle, although to be fair just surviving this drop was a miracle.

       I forced myself to stand up but the pulsing pain from my ankle quickly turned to sharp waves of burning pain as I fell back down, clutching to my ankle. I need to get this wrapped up somehow before I lose too much blood... I looked around, trying to find anything to help me but the only thing that seemed it could help was the vines but they could easily give me an infection.

       Suddenly, slow but heavy footsteps started heading towards me, getting louder with each step. Out of instinct I started to try and back up, dragging my body with my hands and one good leg as I frantically looked around for a hiding spot but it was far too dark to see around the whole room. After all there was only one small light that was on the flowers.

       I wasn't able to be quick enough to hide before the source of the steps appeared, wearing a long purple dress with a strange white symbol on it. But the strangest part wasn't the white fur that was all over her or the small white horns that sprouted from her head but the kind and worried expression she wore on her face when she looked at me and the blood that was still draining from my ankle.

      "My child, I apologize for not finding you sooner, here let me heal you." Her voice was gentle and soft, reminding me of a worried mother. She keeled down to me and placed one of her hands onto my head, a comforting warmth came from her hand and it spread through my body as the pulsing agony slowly faded away, my cuts closing and my bruises turning away from the purple and black to my normal skin color. When she led her hand away from me my eyes became heavy and hard to keep open as the world faded to black.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2021 ⏰

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