A mother's resolution

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(Tips from the author: I used the italics for sound and William's thoughts.

Mana pool is basically the the amount of mana in a person. Only skilled mages can see a person's mana pool with their eyes)

I greeted  the  guards  at the entrance and went  straight  to one of the nearby nurses.

“uhmm  excuse me,  may  I see  Nurse  Mari-“


Excitingly I looked  at the  passage and saw the nurse I was looking  for.

“Nurse Maria!!”

“How  have  you  been  William?  It  seems  you're  growing healthy  at  least”

“I've  been  good.  Oh  yes, Grandma's cooking  is centred  on health.”

As  I said  that,  I  turned  my eyes  towards  the  back  of the  Maria. 

“Looking  for someone?”

“Uhmm is  Beatrice still here?”

“Beatrice? I  just  sent  her  home.  Why  do  you  want  her?” Nurse  Maria asked  quizzically  with a smirk.

I could  feel the  embarrassment  flowing up  to my brain and left  me humming something.

"hmmmm uhmmmm. It's  nothing.”

Beatrice was the  cute trainee I  had  befriended  her during  the times I  came  to  the  hospital  with  Grandma.  So  coming here was basically  meeting two  people.

During the years we  had become close. While Granny  and mom spoke,  I  would  be  playing around  with  her  most  of the time.  So  I just  wanted to  check  up  on  her…

“Anyway. Where is  mother?” I decided  to switch  topics so that  I can  focus on why I  came  here.  That  and  avoiding Nurse Maria"s  attentive  eyes.

“Fine.  Let's  Go”

Turning  to the  hallway,  we  strolled  through  rooms  to Mom. I get  to meet  her again.


Her  brown  black air  seemed  to suck  the  entire colour around her.  It  felt  like  an  ominous being was in  her  hair.  Her  lightbrown  skin seemed  to be  smitten  by  the  sun  so  much that  she looked  she didn't  belong  here.  Her bony  checks held  a  strong smile for  the  people she loved.  Her  rosy lips  had  a  hint of blood  on  it  from the retching.  Luckily she didn't  remove  the contents in  her  stomach.  Her  eyes  were full of  cheer  and happiness.  Reflected  by  her  brown  irises. Suddenly  she looked  at  the  door and  sensed  familiar mana  pools.  Her  eyes grew  hot  and  she could  barely contain  her  smile.  


Entering  the  door quietly,  I  could  hear her gasping  for air. Terrified  by  the sudden  change I  dashed  to my  mother, only to find  her  weeping  and  gasping  for air .

She tries to cover her  face but  I've  already  seen  this part  of her. I don't  think  it's embarrassing  and  I don't  believe everybody should  have  a  straight  face  while their  emotion  as in  turmoil.

What am  i  saying?? I‟m  just  making  excuses.

Hic  hic hic


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