Explaining lol

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Aight so here I shall explain each character, their intended personalities, etc etc
Also the original was because people kept calling me Cryola so I made them an oc ^^

Cray- a scientist, usually up to no good. Can be annoying sometimes and likes drama between everyone. Will become reverse Cupid if he has to. he/they

Crayola- a test subject to try create a super soldier. It was a half fail, seeing as they quickly turned against them. Was kept in a jail for several years until the king was killed. he/she/they/it/that/xe or literally anything else, they don't mind

Cruelola- another test to try and make clones of Crayola, aka the super soldier. Major fail, as he is quite skinny and tall instead of the Captain America lookin ass build they were looking for- anyways, he's more kept to himself and mean. he/they

Crayoola- yet again, the last test subject. Instead of its intended purpose, the substance did not 'upgrade' the test subject, rather it having quite the opposite reaction. They're very goopy because their body is basically melting slowly. Quiet and kept to themself. They/it

Edgola- the king of the fictional country. Happy and talkative, usually to anyone especially his father, who turns his nose up in disgust. He/him

Deirdre- one of the many many soldiers, essentially a different race from humans. Instead they are formed ready to battle as soon as they emerge from the Lake. Each soldiers colour varies upon their specialty field. Whilst others came in vibrant or soft varieties of yellow, orange, red, green, etc, Deirdre came out as blue, quite unusual. Dismissing it, the king assumed it was kings guard. They/them

Infantola- an infant who does infant things lol doesn't have the concept of gender yet, so anything

Celeste- technically a gender bent version of Cray. More sassy tho lol she/they

Reject- a rejected experiment. kinda just ur average teen I guess. Sticks by Celeste. he/they

In this fictional country, there are cities, and usually an average city will have a number of districts and walls. In this world, there are three main walls, none really named. In the outer ring we have the
River districts, also known as the Main Defences. Unfortunately the people who live here are seen as more disposable and poorer, hence why the Capital Government will not hesitate to use these as bases for the soldiers.

Then you go through a wall to be met with the
Non Human districts, seen as secondary defence and only used if the second wall is breached. Then of course you have the Capital, the Moon And Sun district (or the Eclipse) district.

Back in the past, each member of society would have to keep to their district, but as powers, horns, wings, talons and claws died out, the people were more free to roam and move to different districts. Anyways, that was a the Capital districts of this story (:

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