Chapter 7 - Warning Captain Edward John Smith

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My watch hit 5pm. The hours couldn't be passing slower. After I did my little performance on the deck for those kids and onlookers, and after my talk with Elizabeth and her brother Raymond, I met up with the boys. We all walked the length of the ship and back, talking about random things, like what we all were going to do after we arrived in America. I honestly didn't know what to add to that conversation since there was nothing for me in the states since it wasn't my America, but 1912's America.

We had lunch after strolling, then went about exploring again. There really wasn't much to do when you were in 3rd class. From what I had heard, the 1st class passengers got a pool, a gym, a luxurious place to dine, among other things. I wasn't one to complain, but I wished we could go to those areas. I would love to use the pool. I loved to swim and swam a lot during the filming of Jailhouse Rock when we did the pool scenes. I even changed out of my sweater and slacks and jumped in after "You're So Square."

"I think me stomach's goin' to eat me alive if I don't eat somethin'," Brody said as we walked on the stern side of the ship and the air was cool, and the sun was getting lower over the blue water.

"Me, too," Will put in. "How 'bout we all get some grub, eh? Elvis, when are ya to be meetin' with that Mr. Diamond?"

"He wants me to meet 'im in the 2nd class main lobby area at eight tonight."

"Oh, then there's plenty of time for ya to eat. Let's go."

We went on in the direction of a stairwell that led down to the 3rd class decks. I said as we came to the stairs and started down, "I'm not quite sure how to get to the 2nd class lobby area. Does this staircase lead there?"

"No, this one leads just to 3rd class," Wendell said. "What you wanna do is find the main lobby in 3rd class, the one we came into when we first boarded, then take ones of those hallways and that'll lead to the base of the grand staircase. Saw it meself yesterday. What a sight it was, goin' straight up through all the decks, all the way to the top. But the very top is the 1st class area, so we can't access it if we go to it from the main decks."

I nodded. "I see. You may have to show me later when I have to meet Mr. Diamond."

"And his sister," Will added with a twinkle in his eyes as we came to the bottom of the staircase and into that long hallway that was the length of the ship. We would have to walk down it a ways to get to the cafeteria. "What a flower she is."

"Don't let your lass hear ya say that, boy-o," Brody warned, nudging Will's arm. "She'll get jealous."

"I can still think a woman's attractive when I have another one. I thought we went through this already with Elvis since he has a girl back in America."

"I'm just sayin'. She's over the moon for ya, I could see it in 'er eyes this mornin'."

Will blushed and I smirked. I learned that these three met those girls again that morning during breakfast, and there were hearts in all six of their eyes. I said, "I think you boys need to be careful in the comin' days. Don't want any broken hearts when we get to America."

We came closer to the cafeteria since the scent of food wafted in the air. Will said, "Speak for yerself, boy-o. You have the eyes of both that Miss Diamond and Mrs. Astor. You don't want to hurt your lass back home."

"Yeah, I know. Both of those women may be interested, and that's flatterin', but I'm gonna stick with Priscilla."

"That's wise," said Wendell. "But didn't ya mention that you were attracted to Miss Diamond?"

I pursed my lips. Yes, I was. It was instant, and I didn't know how I was going to handle being around her more frequently if I didn't want to do any harm to my relationship with Priscilla. But she was in 1963, out of this dream. Reality. This was another reality, not a dream.

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