01. leap of faith

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Erin's shoulder ached like a bitch

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Erin's shoulder ached like a bitch.

The bag she had slung over it was heavy, slamming into her side again and again as she ran. Maybe it had been reckless to steal from her one-night stand, maybe it had been stupid. But she was decidedly richer now, so she really didn't care.

Bang. And Erin dodged to the side, avoiding the bullet shot by her pursuers.

(Okay, maybe she cared a little, considering she was being shot at.)

But they were far behind her, and Erin only had a little ways to go to get to her destination as she cleared the forest, aiming right for the cliff in the distance.

The wind curled around her, urging her to go faster in quiet assurance, and Erin smiled knowingly, the gentle gusts cool and familiar against her skin. It felt like home, freedom and warmth wrapped in one. It felt like the friends that were waiting for her after the leap; the sense of safety that came with knowing they were there to catch her.

She reached the edge, and flung herself off, the familiar feeling of falling- the pit in her stomach settling quickly. But then the winds caught her--just like she knew they would--slowing her descent, until she reached the water and then she plunged deep into the frigid depths.

The shock of cold hit her like a pile of bricks, settling over her heavily as she kicked upwards towards the surface again, bag drifting oddly in the water with the items secure inside.

She broke the surface, breathing in deeply as she took in the sight of the Stormrider anchored nearby. She let out a sigh of relief, and began paddling towards it, exhaustion creeping up on her.

And then Aeliana and Zina were there, taking her things from her, and helping her swim to the Stormrider.

"Myra's gonna kick your ass," Sinara shouted down with a grin, as she dropped the rope ladder down the side, and the three girls hauled themselves up, dripping wet.

"She won't," Erin panted, smirking. "Because I'm oh so wonderful, and I've got us a lead."

"On what." Myra said shortly, stalking towards them; Amari was close behind her in order to check over Erin. "And it had better be good enough to justify you sneaking off the ship in the middle of the night to get it."

"I did more than just get some information," Erin said with a smirk, and the crew laughed, even as Myra raised an eyebrow as if to ask, 'really?'. She just shrugged at her captain. "She was really pretty, okay? I paid her a visit, we had some fun, and then I asked nicely about a tip for a prize on the south end of the Isles."

"And then you stole her shit and got out of there?" Zina asked, smiling knowingly.

"And then I stole her shit and got out of there." Erin agreed, lifting her bag with a rattle from the coins and gems within, as her teammates cheered, Myra's stern exterior defrosting into a fond, but incredibly exasperated smile.

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