04. mind the bite

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quick a/n: just remember that the two ships don't know the names of everyone on the other ship

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quick a/n: just remember that the two ships don't know the names of everyone on the other ship. for the devils scorn crew, they really only know myra, erin, asenathe, and zina (bc she's a massive pain in their asses with her sharp shooting), and they only refer to them by their last names so ... just keep that in mind for this chapter, as they're all tds povs.

The streets seemed dark and ominous as Lyndon and his crewmates stepped out from the inn and onto the streets of the Reef, a fitting atmosphere considering what they had just done to Zander and her crew mere minutes before.

Not to say that they didn't deserve some kind of retribution after kidnapping Kian, but being pulled roughly from their slumbers and shoved into a high-pressure hostage situation perhaps had been a bit extreme.

(He also hadn't ever realized how young their cook was; barely more than a child, one whom Zander and likely the rest of her crew would die to defend based on their actions tonight.)

All in all, it had been an unsettling experience for him to be a part of, and in all honesty, this was why he was the cook and tried to stick to his cooking as much as possible. He wasn't all the way used to these sorts of situations, and typically, only got involved in the big battles where he could get lost in the fray.

Unfortunately, being a part of one of the most wanted crews on Triton, Lyndon found himself in that sort of situation more often than not, and stand-offs like the one that night never failed to leave a bad taste in his mouth. Lyndon had never liked that aspect of being a pirate; there was just something about slipping into the role of a ruthless Devil's Scorn pirate that just made him feel sick afterward. He wasn't sure how Lucio managed to hold that kind of facade nearly constantly, to be honest.

Either way, it was over now. They had retrieved what they had been sent on their mission to retrieve, and a few minutes later, they were back within the safety of the Scorn and gathered in the warmth of the galley belowdecks, as Lyndon started to cut the vegetables needed to make his signature stew.

"Well?" Lynn asked, a jar of cold water—courtesy of Ezra's magic—pressed to the spot where Resse had knocked their heads together when she broke free. "What does the damned slip of paper say?"

"It had better be worth all of that trouble," Terpsichore muttered from her spot on the bench where she was wrapping up a cut on Jamie's arm.

Lucio was reading the slip of paper currently, brow furrowed in thought, before letting out a tired chuckle, shaking his head in slight disappointment. "It's a gods-damned rhyme." He passed the paper to Jasper, before thumping quickly up the stairs and out of the galley.

"Apparently, Cap has an issue with poetry," Jasper muttered in slight amusement, scanning the lines before reading out:

"Caution: mind the water and the bite,
around the bend, slither right
and the door is shown with sun's height
where rock, tooth, lock unite."

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