Chapter 2

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There was a long silence again until I said again.

"I was in your classroom in Kitagawa Daiichi"

He picked up on of the balls and started bouncing it against the wall.

"I don't remember anyone called Mitsuya" he said while he was totally distracted with the ball hitting the exact same spot on the wall.

"It is because I am not named Mitsuya, Mitsuya is a nickname I wanted to be call, but nobody did. My name is Sune"

"Oh, the girl who had the best grades in the whole class? I think I remember"

"Yeah, that was me. It actually isn't that hard if you pay attention"

I looked around the gym and tried to find someone, but unfortunately I was alone with kageyama. The silence was getting even more intense which maked me feel akward, and I decided I should start going.

"Well, I would start going home I don't want it to become da-" I paused as I exited the gym door, it was already dark.

Kageyama must had noticed something was wrong, because seeing someone freeze for about a minute in the door must be something you kind of never see.

"Is something wrong?"

I looked back and saw the tall boy with the ball in his hands.

" Yeah....Its fine"

Kageyama looked at me and picked up the balls that were across the floor in the gymnasium.

"No. It isn't fine, your face expresses it. Is there something u need? Are u sick?"

"No, Im not sick? Im just, I- could you please...walk me home-?"


Kageyama grabbed his stuff and asked the girl where did she lived. And the answer maked him looked really amazed. Did he lived there too?

"Seems like I don't need to walk extra. So, why where u so scared of the dark? Scared of bats?" he said as he laughed as in a sarcastic way.

A small blush formed in my face, even though he kind of scared me, he didn't seem that bad as people in Kitagawa said. He looked like he was misunderstood by his teammates. "Its kind of a personal thing, and I really don't want to say, thank you for the concern though" I said, since I wouldn't tell something so personal to a person I just met, even though I have known who he was since high school.

We kept walking in quite, just hearing our footsteps and the noise of the breeze. After a while, we finally arrived to my house. And surprisingly, Kageyama lived right in front of my house. I hadn't noticed before since I will always come home late from extra activities, or he will come late and I never really cared about who lived next to me.

"Thank you, for walking me home..."

Tobio nodded his head and waited for the entrance door to close. And then he started walking home. I entered the house and saw my older brother on the door.

"What do u want Miyuga"

"Who were you walking with? Only an idiot would walk someone like you home"

"Ey callate la hijueputa boca, malparido"

"What the fuck did you just said?"

"Stop bothering me and Ill tell you"

"FINE. But atleast tell me who was walking you home"

"Someone. "

"He was from Karasuno too, I have seen him strolling around the hallways."

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