Chapter 4

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It felt like an eternity to hear my brother's punches in the door with the intention opening it. Since I was getting sick of these, I grabbed the handle and opened the door.

"Are you finally going to explain?"

"Yes, since your annoying bitch ass wont stop bothering."

I went down to the kitchen with my brother, and told him everything that happened after school finished. He said some comments like "how" most of the time, and that made the explaining even longer.

"So, you guys just met each other and now you are dating?"

"What the fuck? Bro, you think this is like Wattpad or something? We just met."

"Our life is so cliche, Sune"

"Sure whatever. And no, we are not dating. I already told you the kiss was an accident, and it wasn't meant to happen."

"So, do you like him then? Why would you randomly kissed him?"

" are dumb as fuck. I wanted to thank him, and he turned his head. And no, I don't like him."

"Sure, I mean if you say so"

I looked at my brother with a you are disgusting face, since the sarcasm in that sentence was really obvious.

"If you tell mom, I will beat you up with a chair"

"Jeez, you are so aggressive. Anyways, I wasn't even planning on telling mom but thank you for the idea."

Even though he was older than me, I knew he wouldn't tell cause he knows I will totally do what I just said. Well, I hope that nothing would be akward.


I opened the front door so that Mitsuya could go out, she was thanking me for doing her hair and from taking her away from Sangto. I turned around to look at her and I felt her lips in mine. Shit. Immediately she pulled back and was freezed in the spot, she looked like a strawberry, after a second she started running towards her house and almost slammed her forehead against the door. I entered my house as quickly as possible and slammed the door behind him. I could clearly feel the hotness in my cheek. I must also look like a tomato. No one had given me a kiss before, I'm sure it was an accident but it was so quick I couldn't even think at the moment. Well, it isn't such a big deal, I turned my head at the wrong moment and this happened, after all I'm glad she talks to me, is like if I finally had my first friend.



A week had passed since the day I accidently kissed Kageyama. Today I was presenting my English project with Yamaguchi. I was really nervous cause I don't think im well prepared for these. I have been worried, since Kageyama had been the first person I figured wouldn't laugh at me or what I did, and now I haven't be talking to him, and neither him to me...

I walked through the hallway while hearing First love from Mitski, to clear my mind of things. When suddenly I saw Hinata coming towards me.

"Mitsuya, why haven't you been talking to Kageyama? Did something happened?"

Damn, this kid knows.

"No, everything its fine"

"Oh, is just that the first day you guys looked like if you had knew each other for a whole lifetime. And know barely you look at each other"

"Well Hinata, I will tell you why, but please promise not to go around telling everyone..."

"You can count on me!"

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