Chapter 3

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I woked up and decided to go take a bath. I putted on my karasuno uniform, and did my hair. I styled it in a small bun at the end of my hair and somehow in between my neck. It is weird to explain it. I went downstairs and sited down for breakfast, some scrambled eggs with two toasted breads.

"Mom, may I ask you something?"

Mom looked over and nodded her head to let me know that of course I could

"Can I dye my hair?"

"....of course, but I couldn't today since Im at work. If you want to do it today you should consider going with someone"

I looked over at Miyuga, who was opening his mouth to speak. I told him that he couldn't talk with his mouth full of food, since it was disrespectful. He finished chewing and said.

"I bet she is asking Kageyema"

I look over at him in a Im not laughing way. And then I grabbed my backpag and told them I would start walking to school.

As I strolled down the streat and thought about what happened yesterday at night. I gelt my cheeks turning read just as the thought of it came to my head, what if that reused page was one of the ones I used in middle school to draw him, oh no that would be so embarrassing. What if he saw it?! Well, I don't think he did, I also hope he didn't find the page interesting and read it, it would be even more akward to see someone writing about you...

I finally got to school and went to my classroom.

"Oi Sune!" I heard the green haired boy said.

"Oh..hey Yamaguchi"

Yamaguchi proceded over to my desk and sat down in his place then turned around.

"Remember the English project? Yes? Well, its in two weeks that we hace to turn it in. Where are we doing it?"

"We could do it at my place if you don't mind, but I cant today"


"Im painting my hair"

Yamaguchi was going to respond, but at that moment our science teacher entered the room and started talking about what we were going to do today. Science class was eternal, and I mean eternal since it lasts 2 hours. In my opinion, science class should be cancelled, they are just so eternal and boring.


Finally, school is over...know, where was the vending machine? Oh, well im heading towards there.

I walked over too the vending machine and saw Kageyama struggling with it.

"Having problems with that?"

He looked at me in a embarrassed way, and admitted that he was.

"Well, step back. I know these trick were you kick it like really hard and It falls down"

I proceeded to punch the vending machine, and then grabbed Kageyama's milk.

"Here you go tall boy." I said while handing him the milk.

He said thank you and started walking away, and then I realized that I still haven't asked anyone to take me to the hair salon.

"Kageyama, wait up." I said while running towards him.

"Is something wrong?"

"Well, yes but no. You must be tired but, could you please take me to the hair salon? I wanted to paint my hair today but mom wasn't home, so she told me to ask someone. And since you are the only person I know..."

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