Number, Words, and Muttering. (3)

991 26 11

I look over at my stream. Over 130,000 viewers on a day where I feel like shit. It's somehow casual to me. I guess I never really try anymore.

I glance back at my main focus. Minecraft. The one thing that could keep my chat focused, they would probably prefer a little block game over an angsty teens mental breakdown.

I break the silence in my stream, entertaining my fans, "Soo, let's get on the DREAM ESS EM PEE!!!"

Nothing more than a people pleaser.

My eyes look over to the viewer count again, sometimes I had wish that I'd go back to 20 viewers.

"Boys, boys, as you all know, I haven't been streaming for the past 2 weeks!"

"So I'll make it up to you with this one, I'll probably get back to my normal schedule. Big man things." I follow up to the previous sentence.

I turn my eyes in a bit of horror at the one comment pointing it out.
My pain.

Uzuuiiki : Your face looks a lil red today big man! Everything alright?

Suddenly, a few people in my chat started pointing it out.

Sabrinanotfound773 : yea tommy innit your face kinda looks red

CoHighHeelzz : hey tommy's face is kinda red now that i think about it lol

awesomegamerboylol3 : Hey Tommy Innit is Red

I start to panic a little, oh shit no no no no.


I stuttered, well shit. This is either going to go really badly or end up on someones twitter. Both are horrible as you can see.



CoolestRaccoonEnbyy : I think it's because people are saying his face is red, give him a break :[

mahmahbbanan : tommy is red lol


I hear a discord notification.

This isn't going very well.

|| Wilbur Soot in direct messages, 

Tommy? You're spacing out are you ok?? ||

I can't just end stream. everybody will be concerned. everybody is going to call you an attention whore. Welp shit. "Sorry guys, ANYWAYS!! LETS GET ON THE SERVER!!" I apologize, praying to the blood god the topic dies down. Ignoring the chat and closing it, trying my best to cause any worse situation.

I click on the bar that links to the server, then my screen takes me to the block game. I click T and look down at the chat, "TommyInnit has joined the game."

I check my ender chest, and then my other chests. I pressed the WASD keys making my little character move out the room. My hands slightly shake as I glide the mouse across my desk. 

Don't panic. Don't panic. Don't panic. Don't panic. Don't panic. Don't panic.

I see a yellow text in the corner of my eye, opening the chat. "Tubbo has joined the game." Oh jesus. Not right now..

Tubbo > Hello Ttotmyy drug man big man coo lamn
Tubbo > vc2

I sigh and switch my tabs to discord, I guess I'd have to. I can't make Tubbo so sad anyways. It'd be a fuckin sin. I literally just c-t myself for this shit.



His mic cuts out, I let out a forced out loud laugh. I don't wanna be here. I can't go back from clicking that 'start stream!' button.
It's fine. It's only gonna be an hour. Everything is alright.. everything's all right.

// im gonna only post this for now, I might abandon this fanfic for a new one. :)) I'm pretty sure it will be tommy angst though// :) - 9/19/2021

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