Jealous Eren

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This is kinda continuation of 'Jealous Levi'. If you guys read that chapter y'know what will happen.. Enjoy!


Eren's POV

My name is Eren Jäeger. I work in a big company where it's suppose to be mine but it didn't. I couldn't careless because I have Levi. So, I didn't care anything else or what happened, as long as Levi by my side and safe.

My cousin Eric got the company. He's annoying. Always show off, rude, greedy stubborn and mostly, stupid. Wanna know why I called him stupid? Because the company is falling apart day by day. I bet this company will bankrupt if the owner doesn't change for better person. I didn't get it because my parents found out I kill people. So, I got disqualified by being the CEO of the Jäeger company, but as I told you before, I didn't care.

(Eren have a lot more cousin but Eric and Eren are worthy enough. Most of his cousin are baby or more younger like still in kindergarten, middle school and high school)

Eric always bugging me about he got this company and not me. Well, if he didn't told my family about me killing people, I would've got the company already and not him. Tch, annoying asshole.

No one's POV

"Eren, don't you go to work today?" Levi ask make his way to Eren who is lay on the couch at living room. Eren sigh "I'm too lazy..". "Eren, you're parents already gave you a chance to work there. You should go" Levi said. "Ok, I'll go but if you bring lunch for me at the office. I miss your lunch food cook" Eren said. "Why don't I prepare it for you?" Levi suggest. "No, I want to eat with you too. If not,I wouldn't go"  Eren said. Levi sigh and said "Fine, go to work first. I'll bring lunch and eat with you. Go hurry up! You're going to be late!" Levi said. "Ok" Eren say with smile while skipping to their room to get ready.

~~time skip Eren already go to work and now is lunch time~~

Eren is waiting for Levi in his office. He got a lot of work to do because the 'CEO' give him a lot of paperwork and always annoyed Eren. 'I hope Levi hurry up before that stinky bug came here and annoyed me again' Eren thought as he spin around on his office chair. "Eren?" the familiar voice say his name. Eren already know who it was he turn around and run up to Levi. "Levi!" Eren cheer, then hug Levi tightly. "Eren, let go of me. I can't breath" Levi struggle. "Oh, sorry, love" Eren let go of Levi. "Let's eat" Levi said as he make his way to sit on the sofa. "Ok" Eren follow Levi.

Levi prepare the food that he make. Then, they enjoy their food but suddenly someone comes in without knocking and uninvited..Eric.

"How's my-oh..well hello there~" Eric said with seductive voice.

(I feel cringe 😬. I felt like, I didn't think this through enough 😃)

Eric made his way to Levi sitting close beside Levi with a smirk.

(Yup, I didn't think this through 🙂)

'WTF IS HE DOING' Eren thought. He can't just burst at Eric. Eric's bodyguard are all outside since Eren have murdered alot of people. His whole family knew so if anything happens Eric, Eren will be the first suspect. Eric touch Levi's hand gently but Levi still scooted away from Eric. "What are you doing here? Can't you see we're having lunch" Eren said while trying his best not to strangle Eric till death. "Oh, don't mind me enjoy you're meal my cousin" Eric said still looking at Levi. Eren shot him a death glare while Levi eating quickly so that he wouldn't also kill Eric.

~~after a while~~

Eren and Levi finish eating and clean up. Eric still with them. He didn't take his eyes off Levi.

"Bye,Eren. See you at home" Levi said. He want to get out quickly.

"Let me escort you" Eric suggest.

"No thanks. I can go by my own" Levi decline.

"Well, see you again" Eric said putting his charming smile.

Levi just nod and hurriedly out of Eren's office. 'His smile is not that charming. I don't know why a lot of people falling for him. Eren is much more charming and perfect' Levi thought.

~~meanwhile Eren & Eric~~

"What the fuck are you doing!? Me and Levi already married!" Eren shouted. "Relax cousin. He can marry two people. He's gonna be my bride one day. Bye" Eric chuckle.

"Just you wait.." Eren said with murderous voice.

~~time skip Eren after work time~~

Eren's POV

I told Levi that I will be home little late because of work and he's okay with it. I plan to kill Eric but I won't be the one who did it. Someone else will do it for me. I already told Eric to meet me at a cafe. I challenge him to walk there because his lazy ass always ride limo around so I challenge him to here. So childish.

I'm at the cafe. My plan was he will get hit by a car by the person I paid. His name is Reiner. He hates Eric for some reason that he will not tell me but I didn't care. I hate Eric too, so I could careless. He will get hit infront of the cafe so I sit at the window to enjoy it that moment.

I saw Eric on his way here across the street he saw me and smirk. I smirk to because this probably be the last time I see his ugly smirk. He waited the street light to turn red so he can across the the road.

Then, the light turn red. There was no cars and not a lot of people wants to across the road. Eric start to walk across the road. When he was in the middle.


He got crash. Blood splatter everywhere. His head got crush. I chuckle. A lot of people were suprise, screaming and surrounding his dead body. Reiner got away. No one sees his face because he wore a mask. I then got out of the cafe happily. Ignoring what just happen back then.

~~time skip again. Eren got home~~

I happily walk in the house and Levi run up to me, greet me with his soft kiss. Of course I kiss back.

"Why so happy? Does all your work finally done?" Levi said.

"Oh, nothing but just like you said. My work finally done" I cheer.

"Hmm, ok. Dinner ready. Let's go eat" Levi said pulling me to the dining table. He cook all my favourite food. Oh my god! Today is probably my lucky day other than when me and Levi dating then married.

"I cook all your favourite food. Do you like it?" Levi ask.

"Like it? I LOVE IT!" I said as I carry and spinning Levi around.

We both giggle then the news on the tv start.

"Breaking news. Eric Jäeger the CEO from the famous company 'the Jäeger's' have got into car crash by unknown person who got away"

I smirk and Levi look at me like he knows  that I plan it. "What?" I ask.

"You plan it didn't you?" Levi ask.

I didn't answer it and Levi giggle. So cute.

"I knew it" he said.

"Well, then let's go eat. I'm starving,love. I didn't enjoy the lunch time" I whine.

"Me too" Levi said.

The we start eating and enjoy our moment.

The next day, my family told me to take over the company. I have no choice to take it. The company is mine. Everything now change. We now live in the mansion. Getting use living in the mansion and the best part is that me and Levi will be having a baby.

My life is complete with Levi by my side. Having family with him. Nothing can make me more happy being with Levi by my side.


Sorry I haven't update for a while. Love you guys ❤️

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