Chapter 13: sneaky namjoon

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All the boys were at the store because they needed to restock on groceries. They all went their separate ways to get different items. Jungkook had to go with yoongi because yoongi doesn't like touching cold things.

Namjoon was on the other side of the store and he happened to see a really cool toy. It was a box, that when you push the button, multiple tiny games are to be played with it. Remembering what buttons to click, doing a specific pattern, it even asked you difficult questions that if you get it wrong, it won't open for 3 minutes. Namjoon really wanted it so he quietly put it in basket.

Once everyone got what was on their list, they headed towards the cashier. The members have a specific way of getting groceries. They use baskets to get the specific items and then all collectively put it in a cart so that they won't take all the carts.

Everyone got to the cart and started putting their items in. Namjoon tried to hide his box by surrounding it with multiple items.

The cashier started scanning the items as the members were placing them on the conveyor belt. Tae was the one that grabbed the box.

"Alright which one you got something you weren't supposed to?"

They all look at each other and jungkook notices the look on namjoons face. He is an expert of telling when namjoon lies because he does it a lot when he gets in trouble.

"My bad. I thought I could just get one extra thing since I had my own extra money."

Tae sighed.
"Well if it's coming out of your own pocket, then it's fine."

Jungkook went to the self checkout and bought the item. After they all got home and put the groceries away, jungkook snuck into namjoon's room while namjoon was in the bathroom and placed the box on his counter.

Namjoon was feeling so guilty about what he did. He wanted to make it up to jungkook somehow.

(If y'all say something about namjoons cooking, we fighting)

Namjoon decided to make a feast for everyone. He called everyone down and had served them all.
"Isn't it jimin's turn to cook?" Hobi said.
"Well yes but tonight I felt like cooking something up."

The members didn't think about it and just dug in. They all finished their meals and left. Jungkook always stays behind whenever namjoon cooks because he likes watching him clean up. As jungkook watching him, he heard a small beep that came from namjoon's watch.

"I finished it but wanted to hide it from the members."

Jungkook had a confused look on his face. Just then, namjoon opened the oven and pulled out a cake. A small one, so that jungkook could finish it all. Jungkook's eyes gleamed with happiness.

"You made this for me?"
"I made the whole feast for you jungkook" Namjoon said chuckling. "Didn't you say this is your favorite meal?"

"Well yes....but how did you know this is my favorite dessert?"

"I overheard a conversation between you and jhope."

Jungkook looked at namjoon with the biggest smile he could ever make.

"Thanks for buying the toy for me. If you want we can play it together."

"Of course!"

After they shared and finished the cake. They went to the living room and namjoon started rambling excitingly of how it works.

The next morning, Jin came out of the room to get some water when he looked in the living room and saw namjoon and jungkook sleeping together on the couch.

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