Chapter 17: Tiny Missions

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Yoongi had a great plan (it really wasn't). He was going to make jimin and jhope fall for each other and then try to squeeze himself into the plan.

Today he started by doing small things. He bumped them into each other, he lied and said that jhope was calling jimin when jimin was changing when he really wasn't. He even got a chocolate rose and put "from jimin to jhope."

He was planning to do this for 2 more days when jimin called jhope to his room. Yoongi thought he just needed him to grab something real quick.

He goes into the room and sees jhope and jimin on the bed. Yoongi pauses and fear was the only look that was written on his face, no matter how hard he tried to hide it.

"Yoongi....let's talk." Says jhope.

"Ahaha sure, what about?"

"Have you been trying to get me and jimin together?"

"Uhh well, I have a good reason for it but I need to explain."

"Okay then explain."

Yoongi stood their with a dumb look on his face.
"Ahem so I uhhh" he sighs. "I wanted all 3 of us to be a couple."

Jimin and jhope were a bit surprised cause they didn't know Yoongi wanted to be actually in the relationship and not just get them together.

"Oh...wasn't expecting that."

*imagine Yoongi is like rambling fast*
"I know I know but like- ughhh okay okay look. It was during the movie night that we had and you guys were falling asleep and I- i don't know you guys just looked so beautiful, you know? In that moment I just wanted to be with both of you AND the good thing about it is that it's a real thing. You can be in a relationship with more than one person. So I thought I could make you guys like each other and then like ME and-"

"Woah Yoongi, it's okay."

"It is?"

"Yeah I mean, you definitely have me falling for jhope."

Jhope semi blushed hearing that.

"Plus, the movie night we had, I also did feel something for you when you were holding my thigh."

"Wait he held your thigh-" "jhope not now."

"You know what? It's fine because I feel the same. I was also happy that movie night. I was actually struggling who to choose between you and jimin."

Yoongi stood there with a small happy smile listening to them being so open about this.

"So does that mean you guys are okay with us 3 being together together?"

Jhope and jimin chuckle in an admiring tone.

"If it's alright with jhope, then we can be together together."

"Oh of course it's okay with me."

They all went in for a hug.

"By the way jimin, Yoongi held my hand."

"Oh hush"

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