Chapter 1

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Akaza Pov:


"OK I HEAR YOU" I shouted annoyed.

I reached over and turned off my phone alarm, I checked the time it was "7:20".

"Damn it, I only have a few minutes," I sighed.

I got up and ran to the bathroom, I looked in the mirror.

"Ugh, I still have that test I have to study for".

I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and combed my hair. I wasn't excited to walk to school especially since "he" always walks with me. I put on my uniform, which was a white button up and some black pants. I refused to wear the uniform jacket since it was so hot. I went downstairs to greet my mom and then leave.

"Morning Mom" I said with a warm smile.

"Hey're not going to have breakfast?" she said.

"Nope, I'm gonna be late so I gotta go quick" I kissed my mom goodbye and left the apartment. As I was walking down the road I saw someone ahead of me. They were wearing the same uniform as me, "ah, so they're from my school, maybe I know them" I thought. Just as I was about to catch up to the person I heard someone yelling my name.

"AKAZA". I knew exactly who that was, it was Doma.

"Shoot, he saw me," I whispered.

"AKAZA", "AKAZA", "WAIT UP AKAZA" he yelled. I started speed walking, It was too early for this. The footsteps behind me pick up speed, "He's catching up" I whispered. I couldn't do this right now so I started sprinting, just as I sprinted past the student I recognized the face. I went back to the person, grabbed their arm, and without thinking twice rushed them to the train station. After running far enough that I couldn't hear Doma anymore I slowed down to catch my breath.

"Sorry I grabbed you so suddenly Enmu" I said while trying to catch my breath

"Oh it's fine...but why are we headed to the train station?, if we use the train it would take a long time to get to school" He asked.

"Don't you like trains? So why are you questioning this? Let's just go" I said. I started walking again.

"Wait, you didn't answer my ques...."He trailed off and started following me.

[...On The Train...]

As I sat with Enmu on the train, I looked at my phone and saw several miss calls and texts from Doma. I could have sworn I blocked his number, then I saw a missed call from my mom and decided to return the call.

"Hey mom you called"

"Akaza, your teacher called, and said you're not in class, where are you?"

"Um on a train, Enmu said he didn't get to have breakfast so I offered to buy him some" I lied

"Oh Enmu, he's a good kid. Ok, i'll let it slide this time but don't do this again without asking me first" she said

"Ok mom, anyways I gotta go get our order ready bye" I hung up. Enmu looked at me and spoke

"So we're getting breakfast right?"

"Yeah, sure since we already missed the first half of homeroom" I said.

When we got off the train we went straight to the cafe across the street. I ordered a chocolate chip muffin and a bottle of water, while Enmu ordered a bagel and some coffee(weird). Then we walked the rest of the way to school, we signed in at the office and went to first least that's what I thought I wanted to do. I checked the time and the first period was almost over so I decided to camp in the bathroom for a few more minutes until the bell rang. The real reason I didn't want to go to first period is because I would have to face Doma, since he sat right behind me in class there was no way of avoiding him. And knowing Doma he would make a big scene...gosh he's so annoying. A few seconds later the bell rang, I hurried to second period.

[...Last period...]

"Finally" I sighed. Avoiding Doma is harder than I thought, especially in school, so many girls have been coming up to me and saying that Doma is looking for me. As I drank the last bit of water left in my water bottle I felt a cold stare, I took a peek behind my shoulder. And there he was a few seats back, Doma giving me the coolest look I've ever seen. "Shoot," I whispered. I totally forgot he was in my class. The whole time I felt his eyes on me and it was getting annoying. After a few more minutes I turned around, looked him up and down and gave him a dirty look then turned back around. I heard him gasp and it made me smile. Class was coming to an end and the teacher was talking about the test that was tomorrow. I took out my phone and texted Enmu if he wanted to study with me, he texts back immediately saying sure. The bell rang and I slipped out of the class and made my way back home, one I didn't want to deal with Doma and two I had to get prepared for my study session with Enmu. When I got home I greeted my Mom hello and asked her to make some snacks for me and Enmu, afterwards I went up stairs and started to tighty up my room a bit. I wasn't really a messy person but there were some things out of place in my room. A few minutes later I heard the doorbell ring, and went down to open the door.

"Hey, Enmu, welcome, you can make yourself at home". He replied with thanks and asked for where the bathroom was, just as I was about to tell him I got a phone call. It was...Doma, didn't answer and turned off my phone completely knowing Doma he would definitely call a few more times. When we were finally ready to study we went to my room and sat down at the coffee table that was in the middle of my room. Then Enmu asked me a question,

"Hey do you know a person named doma....I mean you probably have he's pretty popular". Ugh what did he do this time I thought. "Yes I do, why?" I asked. Then he said "well, during lunch today he came up to me and asked me about you and also asked me what I was doing hangout with you and stuff, it was weird".

"That's Doma for you" I said, shaking my head. "What's about me?" said a voice. I looked up at my doorway. IT WAS DOMA.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" I said shocked

"Duh, I came here to see you :) " he said

"AND WHO LET YOU IN" I was pissed at this point

"Stop yelling, your mom did," he said with a smile.

"Hold on" I got up and went downstairs to go ask his mom some questions

Nobody's POV:

Doma walked into Akaza's room and put his bag on Akaza's bed. "You shouldn't put that there," Enmu said. "Shut up kid, I know exactly what you're doing" Doma snapped. Akaza walked into the room, took a deep breath and said "Ok Doma you win you can stay but you have to study". "Yay" Doma said in excitement, Akaza just rolled his eyes. The whole time while they were studying Doma gave dirty looks to Enmu, but he didn't pay attention to him. 2 hours passed and Akaza got up and said "Ok, I'm going down to get some tea", and went downstairs. When Akaza was out of site Doma asked

"Do you have Akaza's phone number"

"Yes" said Enmu

"Delete it"

"No" Enmu looked at Doma

"Delete his number or i'll delete it for you" Doma was much stronger than Enmu so it was clear who would win the fight if they had one.

"Fine," Enmu said, but Enmu had a plan. Enmu deleted Akaza's number in front of Doma. A second later Akaza walked in with a mug in his hand he looked around, something was up. Enmu got up and sighed "well I have to get home now"

"Oh really, dang" Akaza replied

"Before I forget Akaza, are you free on saturday?" Enmu said. Doma flinched, and that made Enmu smile. "Yeah, I am why?" Akaza asked

"We I wanna repay you for this morning"

"Oh ok, sure you have my number right"

Doma looked up from his phone, And Enmu looked straight at Doma and said

"No I don't it was delete"

"Weird, let me give it to you here I'll type it in" Akaza took Enmu's phone and started typing in the number. Doma's face was slowly turning red and Enmu love it

"Sadistic piece of..." Doma thought. After exchanging numbers Enmu left. And now there was only Doma and Akaza left in the room.

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