Chapter 2

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The sun had fully set and it was dark out, Akaza's legs started to fall asleep so he got up and started walking around the room. After he walked for a few seconds he sighed and leaned against the wall with a mug in his hand.

"You know Akaza speaking to other boys like that makes me jealous" Doma said

Azaka sighed not this again he thought. Doma gets up and starts to slowly make his way towards Akaza.

"Look I can talk to anyone I like" Akaza said avoiding eye contact

"Not on my watch" Doma said with a smile as he was right in front of Akaza. It was difficult for Akaza to avoid Doma's eyes, especially since the only thing between them is a mug. Akaza usually gets flustered when people are in his personal space, so his face naturally starts to turn red.

"Akaza are you enjoying this?" Doma smirked and started to lean in closer to Akaza, their noses practically touching. Akaza's face was a red mess and Doma was enjoying it, he loved messing with Akaza. Akaza's palms started to sweat while locking eyes with Doma. Doma was about to lean in more, when it fell.


"AHHHHHH" yelled Doma

"Serves you right," Azaka said then ran out of the room. Akaza went into the door and closed the door behind him. He leaned against the door and took a deep breath.

"Damn that was close" he whispered. "If he came any closer we would have..." he decided not to finish that sentence. He felt his heart racing, and tried to push what just happened out of his mind.

"AKAZA IS EVERYTHING OK UP THERE?" Akaza's mom yelled.


Akaza looked through the bathroom cabinets for the first aid kit but it was nowhere to be seen, then he remembered that it was in the kitchen and went down to go get it. While he was down there searching he bumped into his mom

"What happen I heard something break"she asked

"It's nothing serious, I just need the first aid kit right now" he said

"Oh here it is" she hands Akaza the med kit.

"I forgot to tell you I'm taking a night shift tonight for work" she explained

"Don't you think it's too late for that" he questioned

"No, speaking of late, why don't you make Doma spend the night just for today?" she asked.

"Mom, that's a horrible idea." Akaza knows what Doma is capable of, especially if it's only the two of them. "Well anyways I think it's a good Idea so thats whats gonna happen I have to leave right now so don't make me repeat myself" Akaza's mom hurried out the door while saying Love you. Akaza sighed and made his way up the stairs with the med kit.

Akaza's POV:

As I walked into A room I saw Doma LAYING IN MY BED with MY COVERS ON. I looked around my room for something to hit him with. There was a broken mug on the floor with a trace of blood splatters leading to my bed. I walked over to my bed and kicked him.

"Hey get up, let me treat your wounds," I said. He started moving around in the covers and ducked his head under the covers, then said " your bed smells nice, it smells like you". My face started to feel hot but I shook it off, "Hey stop messing around get up" I said. He finally gets up and askes "are you good with your hands"?

"What type of question is that" I didn't know if he was joking or not

"If not I'll fix my own wounds" he says

"You know what, forget it, fix your own wounds" I threw the med kit at him and left the room. I was tired of Doma's bull, I tooked to blanket from the linen closet and decided to sleep on the couch because there was no way I was sharing a bed with him. I turned the light off, stretched out on the couch and cover myself. I shut my eyes for a few minutes then *Ping* a text from who I thought. I looked it was Enmu:

"Hey what's up" he texted

"Nothing much" I replied

"Let me guess Doma it bothering you again"

"How do you know"

"Have you seen they way he acts towards you"

That made me smile, I looked up from my phone and saw Doma sitting on the couch across from me.

"Who are you smiling like that?" He asked. As my eyes adjusted to the dark I could see Doma's face more and he looked upset, but I didn't do anything. So I ignored him and rolled to the other side of the couch so I couldn't see him anymore. I was too late for this and I have a test tomorrow, I shut my eyes and tried to block out everything to sleep. Then I felt someone touch my head. My eyes flew open and no one was there. I think I'm going nuts.

Doma's Pov:

"I can't believe I did that", I couldn't stop blushing

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