Chapter 3

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Zach turned around to see who it was, so Mari crouched down and walked sideways like a crab. When she saw the one who shouted, she realized that he was one of her classmates. She fled down the hallway and went beside him.

"Hello Joe, dear cousin of mine. Long time no see." he grinned as he spread his arms, as if trying to give him a hug.

"Shut up, you jacka-" before Joe could continue, he saw the girl beside him and suddenly stopped.

"Mari? Are you okay?" Joe asked, blue eyes staring at her brown ones.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's just go. I don't want to cause any trouble. It's the first day of school after all." she said as she walked with him, eyes looking at the signs from the walls.

When she wasn't looking at Zach anymore, his expression changed. He scowled and glared at Joe, in which Joe glared back. He turned his head and turned to walk with Mari back to their classroom.

"Thank you for saving me back there." Mari said as he looked at Joe.

"No problem. I'm just glad he didn't do anything to you." Joe replied.

"You're Joe Joseph Collins, right?" Mari asked.

"Yeah! The one and only!" Joe exclaimed.

"How didn't I realize this sooner? You're the one whom all the others are talking about!" Mari smiled.


"I just remembered, back in my previous school, everyone's topic would always be about you. Even Lance won't stop talking to me about you if I mention your name."

"You mentioned my name? Before I met you?"


Heat rushed up to Joe's cheeks as he brought his hand to his nape and smiled.

"You're a basketball player, right?"


"You're also a supermodel, right?"

"Woah, you know too much about me, but yeah."

"No, you should meet Lance. If I know too much about you, then his knowledge about you would be way way way too much." Mari said as she waved her arms.

Joe laughed and Mari laughed with him. When they arrived at their lockers, they saw a wavy black haired guy with green eyes getting something from his locker. Joe approached him and greeted him.

"Yo Zayn. What's up?"

"Nothing... I'm just arranging my belongings before class... How about you?" Zayn answered as he sorted his notes.

None of them realized that Mari was already on Zayn's left, staring at the ceiling.

"I didn't know my locker was just beside yours." she said as she continued on looking at the ceiling.

Zayn almost jumped from surprise when the girl spoke.

"Aah! You surprised me." Zayn clutched his chest and took a deep breath.

"Woah, you're so sneaky, Mari." Joe commented.

Mari looked at them for a moment before taking out her bag that has her belongings for the class in the afternoon and continued to stare at the ceiling.

"Answer to the question, I'm just gonna take my belongings for the afternoon class. And what in the world are you doing, Mari?" Joe asked.

"Staring at the ceiling. It has a nice design." she replied.

"Why?" Joe asked again.

"You asked 'what's up?' Now I'm looking at the ceiling. Hahaha. I know it's used as a greeting, but I didn't take the time to look at the ceiling. Just don't mind me, staring at the ceiling." Mari replied and continued to stare at the ceiling.

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