Chapter 7

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Mari just changed her clothes and plopped unto her bed with a book in hand. Comfortable with her position, she grabbed a pillow and rested her head on it as she turned a page. She was just wondering why they were asked to go back to their dorms when-

Searching for results...
This might take a while.

A text flashed in her vision and she felt something inside her head tighten, so she clutched head and winced. It seemed familiar, but she never seen it before. She saw her hair turn pink, so she rubbed her eyes, but it was still pink. She furrowed her brows in confusion. Before she could do anything, it seemed like a live video footage played in her mind.

>Now recording <

Faculty and Staff Room

A room was filled with people trying to discuss a serious matter. The place was buzzing with voices overlapping over each other as they tried to voice out their opinions.

'Our teachers?' Mari thought as she shuffled to sit up and watch what was happening in her head.

The principal sighed and cleared his throat which earned everyone's attention.

"Can I have everyone's attention? We can't finish this if we continue on arguing." he stated as he looked everyone at the table.

'Mr. Alliveth? What in the world is going on?' Mari asked herself.

She looked around to see where she was, only to find out that she's still in her room. The footage kept on playing in her mind which confused her even more.

"But Mr. Alliveth, we can't possibly just be okay that we are actually robots and the memories of the real people have only been transferred to us!" another man slammed the table in which everyone nodded in agreement.

'Ha? Ano ni?(What's this?)' Mari thought and tried shaking her head, but the video kept on playing. She couldn't seem to get it off her head, so she just sat there and rested her head on her palm to continue watching the scene.

"I know that you are probably in a panic right now, Mr. Thistlebrook, but please understand that everyone in this room have the same concern too. That is why I called for this meeting to address the problem at hand."

After he said that, an uninvited guest came into the room. He had a mask, so no one recognized who he was as he strides towards one of the empty chairs. He crossed his legs and looked at everyone in the room. The principal's eyes widened before talking to the stranger.

"It was you!" he lost his temper and pointed at the masked person.

"What do you mean, it was me? I think you got it all wrong. It was your fault in the first place." the unknown person said and the Mr. Alliveth squinted his eyes as he placed his hand on his temple.

He started to cough up crimson liquid, staining his clothes. The nearest to him hurried to his side to assist him. Everyone in the room looked at the masked person with weary eyes before moving away from him. Mr. Alliveth looked at the unknown person and stepped back with a horrified expression.

"That's right. Get a look at your once victim of your atrocities. Now I'm the one whom you fear. Personally, I thank you for making me into the monster I am today." the masked person chuckled as the man he was facing fell on the ground.

Everyone in the room looked at the fallen man and looked back at the person who caused all this.

"Now, I want you all to remember that if any one of you mentions this to anyone you know outside this room, you all will be dead meat." he threatened before everyone started to uncontrollably shake.

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