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Forewarning for this book:

This book contains graphic depictions of mental illness and its effects, abuse and its effects, cannibalism, incest, and insanity. If you are sensitive to these topics, please turn back now. I am being serious when I say this is my most graphic book.

There is also an exploration of sex and sexuality in this book. By that I mean there is everything to being gay in a homophobic society, to scenes of rape and other forms of sexual abuse. I will give warnings for rape scenes, but that is the only thing I will warn for.

This book is non-linear. I will give dates.

This book has been a little mental pet for the last few months. There is a complete duality of the characters that I use, and I will only use two types: capitalist, and communist.

Definitions of those two words:

Capitalism: a privatized form of feudalism, in which the lord is the businessman.

Patterns that people use to exploit workers and the environment to suit the needs of a capitalist.

An economic system in which the workers do not own the means to their own production, and are not paid the full value of their labor.

Not-communism: everything from fascism, to feudalism, to neoliberalism, to imperialism, to social democracy, to anarcho-capitalism (libertarianism).

Communism: a stateless, classless, moneyless society. Often used to describe countries led communist parties, but is an incorrect definition- communists do not believe in countries or in borders in times of peace.

Patterns that a group uses to support the needs and equity of the individual and community.

An economic system in which the workers own the means of production, and are paid the full value of their labor; An economic system where nobody is required to work and industry is automated.

Not-capitalism: everything from Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, to anarchism, to luxury-communism, to post-leftism, to democratic socialism, to anarcho-communism.

Our main capitalists: United States, England, Mexico, Canada, Germany.

Our main communists: First Nations, Soviet Union, Vietnam, China, DPRK.

Co-authored by: imnotvibingchief

Thank you, Mal, for helping me bring this story to life :D

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