The USJ Incident (pt I)

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(S1 E9 - Yeah, Just Do Your Best, Iida!)

"Today's training will be a little different. You'll have three instructors." Aizawa says from the front of the classroom. "Me,  All Might, and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on you."
That's weird.
It's probably because of the break in, by the paparazzi and newspeople.
"Sir?" Kaminari calls out. "What kinda training is this?"
"Rescue." Aizawa answers. "You'll be dealing with natural disasters, shipwrecks, stuff like that.
"Disasters, huh? Sounds like we're in for a real workout." Denki says skeptically.
"Totally!" Mina agrees in the seat next to him.
"Real hero stuff. This is what seperates the men from the boys. I'm shaking with excitement!" Kirishima says eagerly.
Rescue. I would be great at that if I had my glitching more under control. Being able to move fast and get everyone out is super handy in the hero world.
"Guys, I'm not finished yet."
Aizawa sighs dejectedly.
"What you wear in this exercise is up to you. I know you're excited about costumes.. but keep in mind that you haven't gotten used to them yet, and they might limit your abilities."
Which is exactly what mine was designed not to do. So I should be okay.
"This special training is located at an off-campus facility, so we'll be taking a bus to get there. That's all. Start getting ready."
With that, he leaves and everyone starts getting up.

I take my costume, about to glitch away when someone taps my shoulder.
"Hey!" Kirishima gives me a half-smile as I turn towards him.
"Oh, hi."
"So.. What happened during fight training? I noticed you didn't participate."
Yeah, I forgot about that. "Well, um.. My quirk is super handy, don't get me wrong. But, every now and then it gets super hard to manage and out of control.  And then it hurts really badly. The class is uneven anyways, so it doesn't matter that much.."
I say, trying to make it as casual as possible.
"Oh wow, that's too bad. I'm sure you'll do great in today's exercise, though!" He says, upbeat.
"Thanks, you too." I glance at my gloves.
"Just out of- and I hope this doesn't sound weird- where do you change? I never see you in the boy's locker room. Do you hang out in the girls?" Kiri asks, tilting his head.
"I actually.. change in the faculty bathrooms. Aizawa gave me permission because of some, um. Stuff. It's okay, you can ask me anything! I think we shouls hurry before we get left behind though." I say, raising an eyebrow.
"Ack-" He glances around us. "You're right. Thanks you. For answering and stuff. See you outside!" He dashes off to go change.
I smile to myself and glitch away to go change too.

When I do finally get outside, I hear a whistle.
"Gather around, class 1-A!" Iida says in a commanding voice.
"Using your student numbers, form two neat lines so we can load the bus efficiently!"
Not happening, buddy pal of mine. I do think we chose right though, we'll listen to him eventually. He's a great rule follower and manager. We load onto the bus, definitely not in order, because it ended up having an open layout. I end up sitting behind Bakugo, with Todoroki. He's nice and quiet, so I'm not worried. Up in the front, they're talking about Midoriya's quirk.
"Still, I bet it's cool to have a simple augmenting-type'a quirk. You can do a lot of flashy stuff with it. My hardening's super strong and can destroy bad guys in a fight, but it doesn't look all that impressive." I hear Kirishima say.
I disagree. I think he looks very dependable. You could say.. sturdy.  A rock-solid ally.
No I'm not sorry for that one either.
"Oh, no way, I think it's really awesome looking. You're definitely pro material with a quirk like that." Midoriya chimes up. He's a nice person for sure, one I haven't really gotten the chance to talk to yet.
"You really think so? seems like it'd be easier to be a popular hero if I had somethin' flashier." Kiri responds with a bittersweet look.

I glance over at Bakugo, who's staring out the window like he's trying to cut off the tops of trees with lasers from his eyes.
"Well, if any of our classmates have pro quirks, it's Todoroki and Bakugo." I catch as I zone back in shortly after. Katsuki is question gives a little huff and faces the window more.
"Sure, but Bakugo's always angry, so he'll never be that popular." As- I mean, Tsu says as she glances back our way. I can't help but smile a little under my mask.
"Uh-- What'd you say? I'll kick your ass!" Bakugo growls, getting up in his seat.
"Ya see?" Tsu says and points.

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