Entry No. 3

9 1 0

April 9, 2021
9:10 AM

Dear Diary,

I discovered earlier that our neighborhood beside us is empty. Just like the other day, last night there were knocks again on the door. I'm so pissed off because it woke me up from deep sleep. But when I looked outside, there was no one again.

I was about to sleep again when I heard a glass broke. I had to see what it was and when I got into the kitchen, the cabinet of the glasses was open. And the broken glass is on the ground. I assumed it was another rat that made this. But how does it able to open the cabinet from the top?

I had no choice but to clean up the mess. I put the glasses to the newspaper and threw it in the trash bin. Just as I was about to go in bed, the light in the bathroom opened. My heart pounds, thinking there was someone inside the bathroom, and that causes the broken glasses.

I took a weapon in case it attacks. I was ready to engage as I opened the door when... I saw no one. No one was behind the door and no one was on the four corner of the room.

After shutting the light, I went back to my room and decided to read a book to fall asleep again. And to distract my mind while my heart was pounding like hell.


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