Entry No. 8

6 1 0

April 22, 2021
2:33 AM

Dear Diary,

I'm awake at this middle of the night, writing on my diary to say that I've been acting strange lately. Earlier when I woke up, I feel lots of pain and that's because I have scratches on my left arm, back, and right thigh. I don't know how I get it. Good thing I put cameras in the living room before I slept to see what's happening while I'm asleep. And I got creeps as I watched the video before I write on my diary.

The couple of minutes was fine, until I saw myself walking in the living room, and reaches in front of the camera. I stayed in front of it for a while. I'm pretty sure I don't always sleep walk. And in the camera, my eyes were open like I know where to go. I almost cry from fear as I'm watching myself standing in front of the camera, doing nothing.

After an hour, I suddenly walk and went inside my roommates' room. I heard thuds and more thuds inside the room, and the light in the bathroom were also turning on and off, until the door opened and it greeted me. My arm and thigh have scratches and a little blood. I still look straight and and my face were blank like I'm not feeling any pain, while walking back to my room. And that's how the things ended.

I'm now hiding under my blanket while writing on my diary, afraid to see what happened inside my roommates' room while I'm inside of it. Also curious but decided to stay on bed. At least I feel safe.


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