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12:00/America/New York/Suzy’s POV

 As I looked over to Ichisu I saw that he looked disconnected, as if his mind was in a different world.

“Ichisu!” I shouted.

 He snapped out of his trance as Brad said, “How do we sign up?”

 “Don’t decide for us as if we were all one person,” I snapped back (I wouldn’t say snapped exactly, you know, more like a quick response, you girls should know). “Anyways, Ichisu, what do you think?”

 “Well before we agree to anything I have three questions. The first question I have is what is the Genome Corporation? Secondly, if we join can you guarantee our safety/if you can’t will you at least teach us how to protect ourselves if bad guys like him show up again? And lastly out of everyone else with these powers, why do you need us? We’re just kids you know.” He asked as he looked at her suspiciously.

Ichisu was always a smart guy, too bad it doesn’t show on his tests.

“Well right now I’m only at liberty to tell you the answers for questions 2 & 3 right now, until you’re a part of the corporation but for now let’s answer the others shall we?” She replied in her normal teacher-like voice.

I don’t know why but I never really liked Ms. Cynthia, and that was a prime example of why I didn’t. I think maybe it’s because of her attitude; she just seems like a grade A snob.

“So the answer to the first second is pretty simple,” she continued, “no, we cannot guarantee your complete safety, but yes, we will teach you to use your powers as we need you to be able to unlock your full potential (or in one case limitless) so you can help our cause. And for question three… In your group we have a limit breaker with limitless potential. We also have an Overrider, which can be useful in sealing off the power of enemies we defeat. We need your help to defeat the Eliminators who plan to use the breaker crystals to destroy the power of limit break…”

Ok, something wasn’t quite right about that answer, I mean she never mentioned the ‘Breaker Crystals’ or the ‘Eliminators’ at first. I looked over at Ichisu but I couldn’t read his expression, If I were to describe it I would say it was a mix of bewilderment, skepticism, and a little bit of well, I don’t know an expression to fit it. Then I checked Brad’s face, and what I saw scared me. He had a look like a stray dog, ready to attack for a scrap of meat and would do anything if he wasn’t the Unlocker, even kill. I made a mental note that I had to protect Ichisu from Brad at all costs if he was the unlocker.

 “So are those all of your questions?” Ms. Cynthia asked tiredly.

 “Not really, but I’m ok for now.” I said quickly.

Brad looked fit to burst with excitement, like a pressure cooker fit to self destruct. Reading him was too simple. But Ichisu’s expressions always make me seem like he’s pushing me away. I remember one time my friend Sharrie told me he was as hard to read as a closed book.

“Yeah I’m ok too.” Ichisu said

“When are we leaving?” Brad asked impatiently.

“Right now, let’s walk to my car right now, it’s this way, follow me.” Ms. Cynthia said with enthusiasm.

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