Crime & Guilt

25 2 1

14:00/America/New York/SuzyPOV

Ok so as we were getting into Ms. Cynthia’s van I started to wonder about what we were supposed to wear as a change of clothes, or where we would bathe, or if there was even a bath, what were the facilities like over there? As soon as I was about to voice those concerns Ms. Cynthia, as if by magic said, “We have to go clothes shopping for you, and don’t worry about the sanitary facilities over GC by the way, they are perfectly fine, we even have janitorial and electrical staff by the way,”

What is she, psychic? Anyway as we were boarding the car it was as if the whole school was waking up, screams of children and teachers alike screamed in pain, shock and fear. “We need to get out of here quick, they’ll notice we’re gone in a couple hours, we need to get out of the town by then.” Ms. Cynthia remarked.

As we were driving through the town I wondered about the events leading up to now, with the blond haired kid and the superpowers he possessed. If we were to meet him again would we be ready? Could we become as powerful as him, or maybe even stronger? Can I protect Ichisu? 30 minutes later we stopped at the most expensive clothing store in town, the Kilam Designer Store. Naturally, as I was obviously the one with the most fashion sense, I helped Ichisu pick out some clothes that suited him. Brad was by himself looking through some black tees with gruesome designs on the front. At the end of it all we had about 4 bags full of expensive clothes.

“How are we going to buy it all?” I asked Ms. Cynthia.

“Dimension 4!” Ms. Cynthia shouted.

And it was like time had frozen within the store, this was like the same space as when she was fighting.

“D-D-Don’t tell me that we’re going to-“ Ichisu stuttered with a mixture of disgust and surprise, but one glance into Ms. Cynthia’s cold eyes confirmed his suspicion, we  were going to steal the clothes.

I said nothing, just stared at my feet and the bags I held, and head held down in guilt, walked out of the store. Brad with that God Almighty smirk of his strutted out of the store in one of his new shirts like a peacock, stopping twice to pick up a hoodie, and to give the finger to the cashier stuck in suspended animation. And we were out of the store quicker than a fox being hunted by hounds. I silently vowed to pay back the store when I had the money.

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