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The hallways of Baltimore University College was crowded, it was the first day of school here.

This was the most prestigious college there is in the world, and the best. It was strictly important that your child goes here.

" Good morning students. Welcome to Baltimore University College, where only the most prestigious students go. My name is ----"

The feminine voice was heard over the golden speakers, the students didn't really care, it was the first day.

The first day is the only day to make friends, to find a place to sit at lunch, and to find the clique you belong with.

The popular kids were already together, the geeks were already huddled in a corner.

And you? Well, you were just,, you.

You were average, so you didn't have any clique to fit in with. You could go with the popular model girls, but they would put you in dresses like they did last year.

The only person you could remember from highschool and middle school, is Cal, his real name Clark Wilson. He's 17 years old, and has just gotten his driver's license. You were 18, so you have had yours for three years and running.

" [name]! What's up man? Haven't seen you since the incident!" He said, nudging you a little as you started walking down the halls to your shared locker.

" Heh, well, life's been great. I just hope I don't see him again." You said with a subtle sigh, cracking open the navy blue locker that had you initials imprinted on it.

You placed your books inside, your calculus books were already in there, so you pulled those out. " I mean, you kinda had a thing for him. I don't see what was wrong if you met him again." The taller male spoke with a small laugh. He knew you had a crush on someone ever since highschool, but he didn't know who.

" Cal, listen." You started, slamming your locker shut. " If I ever met him again, I would kick him for what he did to me." You took your books out of his arms, hugging them with yours.

" Well, well, well. If it isn't [name]." You shut your eyes tightly, hoping it wasn't him, and if it was, he wasn't talking to you.

" Turn around. Are you scared~?" His voice sounded like venom was seeping from it, it sounded to cruel.

" Oh, I didn't notice you." You were trying your best to compose yourself, not trying to show your immediate nervousness your held.

He looked at you, his eyes meeting with yours. He towered over you like a building, you just wish everyone wasn't staring at you right now.

He chuckled a little underneath his breath, " We could,, repeat last year." You stood there for a second, you didn't wasn't that year to happen again, you were just his toy. And you didn't want to be, it just,,, happened. And it wasn't going to again, hopefully.

By now, you two were the only ones by your locker. After you had grabbed your books from Cal, he had to leave to Jass. His girlfriend.

The other students had class, you had class around a later time.

And sadly, so did he.

" I-I'm fine, last year wasn't so great." You spoke softly, your voice was just a small whisper, but it was loud enough for him to hear.

He tilted your chin upwards with his hand, his thumb running  across your bottom lip softly.

" Oh come on~ You know you loved it." His voice was full of tease, yet he wanted you. He wanted you to be his. But, he likes woman, girls, females. Not a fragile male as yourself. He didn't know why he was attached to you. But damn, he sure had his reasons.

A small blush was spreading across your face, it made his chuckle. " We could, just once. Maybe, repeat that incident at the party last year?" He suggested, a smirk appeared on his face by your reaction.

" Come on sweetheart, you gotta give me an answer." You wouldn't mind if what happened last year happened again, before things could've been taken to a different area, the bell ring, signaling that you two should be in class.

" O-Oh, look at that! The bell! Heh.." You pulled away from his grasp, walking away quickly, he clicked his tongue in annoyance.

But, fortunately -- for him --, you two had classes together. And being in class? A lot of things could happen.

You were already in the classroom by now, he was following right behind you.

You sat at the back, next to the window. And well, he sat right next to you, although you didn't notice. You were to busy looking out the window, at the beautiful butterflies, trying to get your mind off things.

" I really didn't get my answer." The voice made you flinch a little, you thought he would sit next to his girlfriend, Rebecca. And she was pissed that he sat next you. You of all people. Why not her? She had big breasts, long blonde hair, and bright blue eyes. She was the best example of a girlfriend -- in her opinion --.

" The question you asked really didn't deserve an answer." Your voice was more non-stuttering, you were only stuttering before because you couldn't stop.

" So, am I not worth your time?" He questioned, the professor was already covering over everyone's voices, so if someone spoke, nobody would hear them. And, you two were seated in the far back, nobody could see you unless they were to turn around.

So, he did what he always did, he pulled you by your shirt, making you turn your head around in confusion -- it works with his plan --, and he kissed  you on your lips. Not even being hesitant.

" Mm-!" Your words vibrated against his lips, which just made him pull you  against his body. You had a choice, but damn did he taste good, you wrapped your hands around his neck, pulling him closer.

He smirked.

He forced his tongue inside your mouth, the wet saliva that coated his tongue mixed with yours in a split second.

He pulled his tongue out of your mouth, kissing you softly on the lips before finally pulling back. He looked at your flushed face, the saliva that ran down your chin, it was such a beautiful sight. And he was glad he was the one that created it.

" Wow, you sure are a sight." He murmured a little, before going and kissing you again.

Fuck, you couldn't say anything, all you could do is make those wonderful noises that he loved against his lips.

His hands roamed your body, tracing over your sides and your chest. His hands felt so good roaming your body, you almost wanted him to touch more parts of your body.

" You taste so fucking good." He mumbled, that comment just made you want him more. Just so much more. It would be so fucking satisfying if he would just make you his.

The bell rung yet again, signalling the first break of the day. The students got up, rushing out of the classroom, to be wherever there going.

He just removed his lips off of yours, before leaving to be with Rebecca, kissing her as soon as he saw her.

You were feeling your lips, not even knowing about what he just did, yet you could feel his soft lips on yours.

It made you all happy and jittery.

But, you stopped. Wondering and pondering to yourself, thinking about what you just did.

You face-palmed yourself, before sighing, grabbing your books and walking to the apple-tree that stood by the cafeteria, to wait until the time was over. And you wouldn't have to see him again.

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