𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 | 𝐭𝐰𝐡

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It traveled through your mind, the thought just made you cower in fear. He w̶o̶u̶l̶d̶n̶'̶t̶  would hurt you like that. You sat underneath a cherry tree, sighing as you scribbled your thoughts out on a piece of paper. The air was whizzing around you, it was a comforting song the air was making. You had your headphones in, listening to your playlist.

You brought the tablet up to your knees, wondering how you got here. In this particular moment in time. If you just had never met him, it would be so different. Maybe if you didn't throw your heart at someone who broke it years ago, it would be so much more different. Am I right? You dropped the tablet onto the side of fresh green grass next to you, placing your head on yours knees, and just letting the music flow out through your body.

You felt a tap on your shoulder, looking up you saw Nox. " What?" You questioned, taking out your headphones and waiting for him to answer your question. " I wanted to uhm,," He started twirling with his fingers, he ' hmphed' underneath his breath. " What do you want, hm?" You started to pack up your things, shoving the stuff inside your backpack. " -----.." He mumbled something underneath his breath as he squeezed his forearm. " What did you say?" You saw him huff, finally looking up from the ground. " Sorry. For,, you know.." You knew what he meant. It seemed rather unlike him to apologize for what he had said only five hours before.

" What-.. Are you apologizing?" You almost couldn't believe. You just couldn't believe it. He was apologizing? It was,, usual. To say the least.

" Of course I am, dumbass! What else would I be doing,," He felt rather complicated. His emotions felt weird, like they were shaking and rumbling inside of him. " I just,," He started shaking. " I don't feel normal, around some specific people. And, I just felt obligated to apologize. I was totally in the wrong mind, and I was very wrong to say what I said. I didn't mean it. But, I truly didn't do it. You don't have to believe me, but--" This was something else from him.

You grabbed him by his shirt, and hugged him, tightly. You felt a stain of wetness on your dress shirt. You rubbed circles on his back as you heard small sobs and whimpers coming from the taller male. " Im just so sorry, I just--" You shushed him softly, you didn't know he had this much feelings. You thought he was just a person filled with lust 24/7.

" Do you wanna talk about it?" He sniffled as he stood up straight, his eyes were puffy. " Uhm,, can we actually try being friends-?" He knew there was an actual possibility of you say no and rejecting him. But, he wasn't ready for that possibility. " Id uhm,, I'd really like that." You could see a smile come across his face, across his stained tear face.

You slung your bag over your shoulder, " Wanna go back to my dorm? We could uh, watch a movie? Or uhm, something?" You didn't want for him to be alone, you extended your hand, and he took it in his. " Yes, please."

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You were currently having a rather competitive argument with him.
" Okay but, she's a literal skeleton!" You said with a slight laugh. " Ok?! She can use her bones!" That comment just made you wheeze harder than ever. " S-She coul-d just u-use her b-bones!?" You saying it made you and him cackle. " I cant-!" Only after a few minutes after, the laughter did actually burn down. " Ok but like, what movie next?" You two have already went through four movies. All them being over three hours long. It was currently 3;45am.

He yawned, snuggling next to you, he shrugged. " I'm not really sure.." He said with a yawn yet again.

" I'm not sure either. Should we just go to sleep?" You looked down at your shoulder as you saw him nod, you shut off the tv, placing the remote on your nightstand, and shuffling underneath the covers. You pulled your phone off the charger, he already had his phone in his hands.

Both of you weren't even sleepy, one of you were. But, not sleepy enough to go to sleep.

" So,, I heard you and Rebecca broke up?" The rumor that this was true spread like wildfire throughout the university.

He didn't look up from his phone,
" We're uhm,, on a break. That's half of the reason why I was crying earlier." He said nonchalantly, but you could easily hear the pain in his voice. " Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't expect it to be true, you know. I just wanted to know because I thought that it might be fake, because you two seemed to love each other really much and --" By now you were just rambling and trying to make him feel better. It made a small smile come on his face. " Don't worry, she was cheating anyways." You leaned over to relax on his shoulder, wrapping your arms around his waist. " It'll be fine! She wasn't good enough for you anyways. I called it." You whispered the last part. " You're very weird." You gasped in an offended way.

" No, in a uh,, good way."

" I think.."

You wiped away fake tears dramatically, " You've damaged my poor heart!" You placed your hands on your chest, sniffling multiple times. He just laughed at your dramatic act.

He yawned again, snuggling with the pillows, and placing his phone down. " I'm very much wanting to watch YouTube right now. But, not on my phone." " We literally have a TV?"

" But I don't want to watch it on a TV." He whined as he covered himself with the soft fluffy covers that belonged to you. " What are you supposed to watch it on then?" You questioned. You were leaned against the headrest, playing a game on your phone. " But, I wanna watch it with you~" He whined again. " We have a literal tv. What--" He continuously yanked upon your night shirt.

" What?~" You whined in question as you looked at him. He only smiled at you ' innocently'. " What? Do you want attention or something?" You saw his eyes light up at the word
' attention.'.

" Fine, do you want a hug[?], cuddles[?], what?"

He just extended his lanky arms, and you accepted them around your body. You shuffled underneath the covers, his arms were still around your super body. You leaned down, looking at your phone as you continued playing the game. " [name], are we friends?" You didn't know what to answer with. " Of course we are. Why wouldn't we be?"

A smile came across his face. It was a smile of happiness, yet it was filled with pain and sorrow.

Our Final Bow; oc + male readerWhere stories live. Discover now