𝐭𝐰𝐨 | 𝐭𝐰𝐡

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" And, what are you doing out here without me?" He was leaned against the tree you were sitting in-front of.

You immediately flared up, just hearing his voice made you blush -- only a little bit, not a lot --.

" What do you want?" You questioned, not even sparing him a glance. " You're something else, you know?"

He plumped down next to you, " Let's say,, if we were dating," He started, but you cut him off at that second, " We will never date, alright?"

He looked into your eyes, and you didn't even look into his.

Before you could make another note on the paper that was filled with notes and little drawings, he slide into your lap, laying his head on your thighs.

You sighed, you looked down at him. " We can be friends, I suppose.." You knew those words were sure to mean nothing in the future, but it would be nice.

You expected him to flirt with you directly after you had said that, but he didn't, he was sound asleep in your lap.

You laughed a little, you didn't think he'd trust you like this. You didn't trust him. But, he seemed,,, sweet. He wasn't sweet normally, but he was right now.

You stretched a little, your eyes fluttering. You yawned, you had symptoms of sleepyness, and your body felt tired.

You leaned back on the tree more, you body instantly resting. You fell into a more vulnerable state, closing your eyes. And in a split second, you were dead asleep.

He opened his eyes, the darkness in them trailed his surroundings, looking around to see where he was. He rubbed his eyes, sitting up with a soft groan. He looked down, seeing the upper legs -- thighs -- that belonged to you.

He was confused, did he fall asleep? He didn't remember it. He looked up from zoning-out on your thighs, and up at your face.

Your lips were parted a little bit, to were the air-flow would be easy enough to come in, and come out. You shirt was sliding off your left-shoulder only a little bit, to show the little trail of kisses that were placed there.

He was confused.

He didn't place kisses there, nor did he know who did. He studied, examined the kisses, seeing the red lipstick that was placed with them.

" What in the actual fuck." He said, not loud but not quiet either. It was surely not loud enough to wake you.

" Mm.." He heard sounds coming from you, seeing you move in an uncomfortable manner. He titled his head, confused -- yet again --.

He stood up, almost stumbling over while doing so. He picked you up, by your under-arms, and placed his hands on your waist. He caught a glimpse of the time on his watch, seeing it was 3:30 pm. He didn't know he had slept this long, you only went to sleep a few minutes before.

You immediately wrapped your arms around his body, not having a tight grip, but a firm one. He chuckled a little, before starting to walk, not forgetting your stuff, but being sure to make a mental-note to buy you knew ones, or possibly come back to get it -- a for sure easier option --.

By the time it was 3:45, he was stood at his dorm door, trying to unlock it, and he finally succeeded, it took him a few, but it was worth it in the long-run.

He set his keys on the counter, still having a grip on your body. He walked to the bedroom, hearing a small mumble about not being able to catch a dinosaur? He wasn't sure, but it was cute to him.

He set you down on his bed. You immediately got comfortable, feeling around for the covers and pulled them over yourself. He was confused how you haven't woken up yet, but he wasn't going to question it.

You started grumbling, seeming grumpy for some reason. You pulled at the clothing you wore -- not your pants though --, they were feeling heavy on your, you tugged at them.

The other male was currently at his desk, typing away, mainly texting his group chat -- full of females of course. some he has and haven't had sexual intercourse with --.

By the time he set his phone down, you were opening your eyes, having to rub your eyelash out of your left one. You yawned as you sat up, when you vision got cleared, you stopped, looking around you surroundings.

You turned you head to the right, trying to locate where you are from memory, if you ever were hear before. But, you saw him, you saw the back of his head, not his face.

" What the fuck-" You mumbled, you looked down, seeing you were only in a pair of shorts. " What the fuck, what the fuck, what the actual fuck." You mumbled over and over again, but not loud enough for him to hear you.

Before you could grab you clothes, and run out of there, he turned around, getting out of his chair, and stretching. A yawn escaping from his mouth.

He looked over at his bed, to see you. You looked over at his desk, to see him.

" Listen," He started, he knew what you would assume what happened, but he would do nothing of that sort. " You were asleep when I woke up, and I wanted to take you to your dorm, I didn't have your key, so I brought you in mine." He explained, you believed him, but that didn't explain your clothing situation.

" And my clothes?" " As for you clothes,, you took those off, not me."

This situation couldn't be more awkward. " I'm uhm-" He knew what you were trying to say, but he just grabbed your clothes for you, handing them to you. " There's a party this weekend, and I was wondering-"

" No."

That was all you responded with as you slid into your shirt, and slid on your shoes.

" Give it a second thought?" He wanted you to come, just for you to not be so stuck up all the time. It didn't make him angry, he just wanted to old you back.

" No, I have to study." You didn't know what you were doing to study for, but you didn't want to go to that party.

" Why can't you just be your old self? It's becoming annoying!"

You just looked at him, your eyes becoming full, and you tried to show no expression. " If you hadn't done that to me, we would've still had the old me back."

" I have said it once, and I'll say it again. Cal did it! I didn't! We were friends, we were close! I wouldn't do something like that to push you away! To make you not like me!" You were stunned, but,, Cal wouldn't do that. Cal was nice and sweet, he's your best-friend. He wouldn't do that.

Would he..?

" It's horrible how you would blame my best-friend, Cal, of all people! To confess what you did! I actually thought you were a better person! But no, I should've just transferred like Cal said I should've."

He just sighed, he wasn't going to have a fight with you over this.

You walked out of his dorm, you didn't want to talk to him anymore. But, would Cal do that to you? He was the only person you trusted, the person that was with you most of your life. He was your best-friend, it wouldn't make sense.

He wouldn't betray you like that.

Would he betray you like that?

He would betray you like that.

Our Final Bow; oc + male readerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum