𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞 | 𝐭𝐰𝐡

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" Did you tell her?" You questioned, then sighed. " That's to mean, but he was the one that didn't tell her that we had a thing going on!" Cyfia sighed as she looked at you, she looked up from her clear-cased phone and at you. " Sweetie, you should just tell him straight up. That's what I did, now she's crawling back to me. Not that you'd want that I mean. But, just tell him."

You sighed at her words, picking at your nails. " But, what if he ends it with me!?" - " [Name], you don't even know what this " it" is! He only took you out on a date three times! And you've made out more than that!"

She just picks out points and becomes more and more right. You know she was right, but, you weren't sure what you were feeling. It might be love, it might be something else, you weren't sure. " Isn't he coming to visit? You are leaving tomorrow you know, so you should probably tell him today." She keeps being right, she should become an actual therapist.

" No no, you're right. You're so right. The skiing trip is indeed tomorrow, we'll be gone for more than a week."

She cheered as she clapped her hands together, hugging you tightly. " You and your confusing feelings." See was a mom friend, you were - and still are - so glad to have her. She wrapped her hands around you, resting her chin in your hair. " You're so sweet, I love your hugs." You mumbled, almost wanting to fall asleep with her.

" Am I interrupting something?"

That voice woke you up rather quickly. " Ah! Uhm,, hey..!" You said, turning around quickly as she let go of your body. The  female sighed as she looked at him. " You're so hopeless."

[Name] looked at the male in his eyes, seeing that he was either annoyed or agitated. " I'm gonna get going, good luck." She whispered the last part with a slight grin before leaving out of your dorm. " And who was she?" He questioned, crossing his arms over his chest. " That was just,, Cyf. A friend of mine." He tsked at your answer, " Just friends?" – " Yeah.." He stared at you, before looking around your surroundings. Suitcases were open on your ground, clothes folding neatly in them.

" Are you going somewhere?" You were fiddling with your fingers, nervous to answer him. " I'll get straight to the point." You sighed.       
" Why didn't you tell her that you were on a break?" Silence rung through the room. " W-What do you mean?" He nervously chuckled, " I, ahem, I did tell her. Why w-wouldn't I?" He didn't tell her. He didn't. And yet, he still kissed you, he was still romantic with you. He did all that, while never telling her that they were on a break. Wow.

Staring him in his eyes, tears started brimming into his. " You believe me, r-right?" He grabbed your hand. Saddened and scared at it's coldness.    " I can't believe this happened again.." You mumbled, taking your hand away from him. " Please don't talk to me again." His heart shattered at your words, breaking apart. " W-What?"     He inched closer to you, seeing you curl up your fists in hatred scared him. " [N-Name], please.." His voice shivered, nervously inching closer and closer.

He truly loved you, he truly did. And he sorta kinda told her that they were on a break. He went about it going along the lines of; " Yeah, we're going to take a break." And when she questioned why, " Because, I'm not feeling well about our relationship, and I think we need space from each other." Now, if he had said all that, we wouldn't be in this predicament right now? He actually said; " No, I just need like a hour away from you. You know I love you." So, he sorta kinda told her.

Your heart pounded so hard in your chest. " You kissed me, you laid in my bed,, you said you and her were on an extended break! And now, you're just fucking pathetic." You didn't want for him to be here anymore, you didn't want for him to be in your presence any more thoughout your last day here. " Please go away, get out of my sight." You wanted to be alone, and wallow in your sorrow by yourself.

Hearing the sound of your door close, and shut slightly. You fell to your knees, crying into your now wet hands. Tears were streaming down your face. Love was shit, you shouldn't have coerced with him anyways. You hated him, will all your fucking heart. If only that were really true. You knew it wasn't true, but, you truly wanted to hate him. To his guts, to the point where you could ignore him.

But, now? You're joyus playing was over. Officially.

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