AU Intro

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Welcome to an MCYT AU I just came up with. This is also my first time writing on here so no hate please :).

    So in this AU dream wears his mask to hide his left eye which is black with a purple pupil/iris, his right eye is the normal emerald green. He has wings as well but he hides them too.  Elizah has Dream's blonde hair with purple tips, he is currently 8 years old so Dream is capable of leaving the End for long periods of time. Also no one really comes to the End because of it being nearly impossible to get to. Dream is dating Wilbur in this AU, he had Elizah with Wilbur, but didn't tell Wilbur because he didn't think he'd understand or accept him and their son. Everyone on the server knows there together, but like Wilbur have no idea of Elizah's existence. The Wars and all that never happened here so everyone is on good terms with each other and they all live as normal as they are capable of. Quackity, Sapnap, and Karl are all still together and engaged. (Note: Karl and Quackity aren't physically included in the story yet.) Dream is best friends with Technoblade, while Techno and Philza have been close friends for a long time. SBI is still here, and Philza adopted Wilbur and Tommy, just not Techno since there really close friends.

Part 1

    It was an average morning on the Dream SMP. Wilbur woke up and stretched turning to look for Dream. When he saw that the bed was empty he got worried since he always woke up before Dream. He quickly dressed throwing on a pair of black jeans, a t-shirt, and his iconic yellow sweater and red beanie. Pushing up his glasses he ran out the door. As he ran all over the server calling for Dream he ran into George, Sapnap, and Bad. "Oh, hey guys have any of you seen Dream this morning?" George shook his head and Sapnap shrugged his shoulders saying "sorry haven't seen him." Bad smiled brightly and said "we can help you look for the muffin if you want!" Wilbur nodded and said "thanks I could use the help." They all started walking towards the edge of the woods and found Philza, Techno, and Tommy lurking behind a tree staring into the woods. The 4 of them decided to quietly go up to them. Tommy noticed and tugged on Philza's kimono. He turned around and waved at the 4 to come over. They did and Bad asked "what are you 3 doing lurking behind a tree?" Techno sighed and said "We've been watching Dream sneak around the server, looking like he's up to something so we followed him." Tommy whispered "He's moving. Come on let's see where Big D goes." The other 6 nodded and followed Tommy after Dream.

*Time Skip to location*

    They had been following Dream for an hour all wanting to know where the green blob was headed to. Dream suddenly stopped at an ivy covered stone wall. He pushed the ivy aside to reveal a stone button. Dream pressed it and disappeared into a tunnel that appeared. The entrance disappeared and all 7 of them stood in complete silence. "What do you think he's hiding behind the wall? asked Sapnap with a grin. Tommy grinned back and shouted "well lets go find out!" "Shh! you muffin he might still be able to hear us." hissed Bad. Dream did in fact hear Tommy, but preceded down the tunnel anyway.Tommy shrugged and ran to the wall Sapnap chasing after him. Philza sighed and said "so much energy this early, weird." Techno turned to Philza as they walked off towards the wall and said "that's just because your old Phil." Philza looked at Techno and said "rude, but true mate." George and Wilbur had just now gotten to the wall with everyone else. "Alright let's push that button and follow that homeless blob" Techno said with a grin. Wilbur slapped him on the shoulder and said "for the last time he's not homeless he lives with me." Techno rolled his eyes as he pushed the button and said "without you he'd be homeless so it still counts." He turned around and walked down the tunnel Philza walking behind him. Wilbur, still wanting to argue with Techno about his boyfriend raced after them. George shrugged his shoulders and walked inside with Tommy and Sapnap behind him.

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