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Hey guys! I hope you enjoy this first chapter! I will try my best to upload every Tuesday! Let me know if you like it, also it may start of slow but it's a build up is all I'll say ;)
Enjoy loves <3

I managed to find the shop George described to me in Diagon Alley, for a second I paused and properly observed it "ugh really of course fred is the mascot for the shop" I sigh to myself. I still dislike that boy for how he treated me in Hogwarts, half the time he was just trying to get in my pants, I mean that's what he was known for and somehow all the girls were dumb enough to fall for it.

I walk forward and turn the handle to open the shop door, wow was it surreal there was shelves and shelves just stacked full of Weasley products, the thing that stood out to me the most was the Umbridge figure on a bike with buckets, I swear those boys are so creative. I slowly turned around and tried to quietly close the door behind me I didn't want a certain someone knowing I was here. George spotted me from the top of the stairs. "Y/n you're finally here!", he came down the stairs so quickly and hugged me that I didn't even realise what was going on all I knew was these big arms were practically suffocating me in a hug. "Okay George remember I am only small, you're kind of crushing me", he pulls away and looks worried "I'm sorry y/n are you okay?" he placed both of his hands on my shoulders. I stare at him for a second before bursting out in laughter "of course I am Georgie, should have seen your face" I say still laughing. "You git I'll get you back for that" he says now laughing.

George showed me around for a little longer before taking me upstairs to the flat. He went to take my things to my room for me, he was so sweet like that, I was stood waiting for George to return and  just as I expected Fred was sat on the sofa. "Hello gorgeous" he says as he began to stand up and approach me. "Seriously Fred" I chuff as I turn shaking my head. That boy always knew how to get under my skin without even having to try. He was now standing directly in front of me towering me, he seemed to be a lot taller than I remember, and more muscular. Oh my god ew I am not going to think about him like that. "Can you move out my way please" I say as I stare at the floor crossing my arms. "Oh come on love why, you know you secretly fancy me" he leans down and whispers in my ear. "You wish Weasley" I whisper back in his ear, smirking. He looks at me in shock and walks away. I swear I could have seen that he was flushed, how strange.

I heard a loud slam, followed by George poking his head out of my room. "What's his problem" he asks. " oh you know, just Fred being Fred, can't handle when someone plays him at his own game" i look at him smiling whilst I lean on the arm of the sofa. "Seriously, he's at it already, you haven't even been here an hour, I'm so sorry y/n". I get up and walk towards George "hey, it's not your fault your brothers a dick" I say with laughter whilst also reassuring him. " I know I know it's just I'd rather you enjoy yourself mate, I don't want him to be bothering you all summer" George says as he comes closer to me with a faint smile. "Don't worry George I can put up with Fred, besides I've had to for the past 17 years I'm sure a few months won't hurt". He smiles at me and gestures for me to come into my room, apparently he also did my room up for me, he didn't have to but that's just George for you. He walks me into my room guiding me whilst his hands are covering me eyes. As he lets them down I begin to just stand there in shock. "George it's beautiful, thank you!" I say as I run up to him and hug him. "Anything for my best friend" he smiles back to me. Soon after he walks out the door, he told me he was going to leave me to settle in.

It was now around 8pm I had been here for a good 6 hours now and honestly I feel like I was settling in quite well, I decided to go grab my book and was about to open it when someone knocked at my door. "Come in" I shout. To my surprise it was Fred, "oh, Fred what do you want?". He walks over to my bed and sits down on the side " I just wanted to see if you were settling in okay love" he said whilst giving me a faint smile. Why was he being so nice to me? "Yeah I am thank you, but I mean I'm not stupid Fred, what's the real reason you came in here?" I say in a snarky tone. He rolled his eyes and began to shuffle closer to me, "I want you y/n", he began to place his hand on my cheek and began to lean towards my neck "and I'm going to have you" he whispers before getting back up and smirking at me. I sat there in complete shock, um what just happened, I was speechless my cheeks began to get all flushed, I didn't know how to respond or what to do, all I knew was that it made me feel a type of way that I didn't want to feel. I couldn't believe Fred just made me feel something for him.

Your Deepest Desire ( Fred x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now