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A/N: I am so sorry this chapter is a day late, I have been very busy with going back to college but I hope you enjoy this! The chapters will be kind of slow but they are building up to something :) 

A couple of days have passed since I had the weird encounter with Fred, I still am very confused by that. Does he seriously think I'm dumb enough to give in to him like everyone else.
I walk out of my room and make my way to the bathroom, we all have to share one which is fine except the times Fred is in there and of course with my luck he was. He opened the door whilst holding his toothbrush in his mouth. "Morning darling" he says whilst leaning against the door frame and looking me up and down. His hair was still wet from taking a shower and all he had was a towel wrapped around his waist, exposing his toned body. "Seriously, can you not at least put some clothes on" I sigh whilst rolling my eyes. "Oh but love that would spoil the fun, I see you staring" he says as he winks at me. "I am not staring!" I snap at him. "Right then why are your eyes looking down instead of at me" he says in a almost cocky tone. "I hate you so much I hope you know that".  As I begin to walk off back into my room shaking my head with frustration, I turn to look over my shoulder to see that he is stood there still, giggling slightly before looking at me and smirking. I don't know what he thinks he is doing but it is not working.

When I got back into my room, I decided to quickly shut my door and stand there for a second. What is actually going on with Fred he's been bad in the past but never this bad. I hear a knock followed by a calm tone "y/n it's only me George, may I come in?". I turn around to open the door and let him in, my facial expression is still showing that I was in shock. "Are you okay mate? Why do you look so confused? George asked in a concerned tone. "Oh you know, just Fred again" I say with a faint smile. "Why what's he done now?" George said sounding almost annoyed. "Nothing bad Georgie don't worry, he's just been acting different around me, I mean of course I won't fall for the trick but it's as if he's genuinely trying to show some feelings?" I say trying my best to explain it. "Like he is still flirty and he still is a tease but it's different to how he was in school" I proceed to say. George looks at me in a way where he seems shocked like he almost didn't know how to react, "Just remember y/n and I mean it, maybe my brother does mean well by you but from how he has always been, please don't fall for it mate I don't want you getting hurt, promise me you won't". I smile at George and grab his hands "I promise Georgie". After our conversation George got up and left my room, he said he needed to go and do some checks on the store before they opened today.

I decided that since the store was now opening in less than 10 minutes I could finally go have my shower in peace. I walked out of my room and made my way towards the bathroom, no one was in sight or at least I'm sure they weren't. I opened the door to the room and made sure to lock it so Fred couldn't come in, I knew he would try he has before. I began to get undressed and step into the shower, when the water came on it was just the right temperature . I always decide to play music in the shower so I turned on my phone and leant it in the holder. 'Siri play I wanna be yours by arctic monkeys'. Soon after the song began to play and I was signing away to it whilst washing my hair. The problem with playing music is I play it so loud I cannot hear anything  so little to my surprise I didn't hear when the door began to open. It was only until the song had finished that I heard the door open. I quickly peaked around the curtain to see that Fred was standing there . "Oh my god Fred! How did you even get in here I locked the door?!" I say loudly. "Are you forgetting we are wizards love, I know what spell to use to un lock a door" he giggled. "Well can you um get out I'm kind of naked here" I say whilst trying my best to cover up with the shower curtain. "Oh but that's even better for me" he looks me dead in the eyes whilst walking closer towards me. "Seriously Fred I mean it, could you at least pass me my towel then" I say trying to avoid any eye contact with him. He grabs my towel from the hook of the door and passes it to me. I quickly try to adjust it whilst still in the shower since he wouldn't keep his eyes off me. I slowly get out the shower having to stand directly in front of him since he had not moved, I made sure I was grabbing onto my towel i could not risk it falling down.
He stared at me almost in awe. "What Fred?" I say nervously. "You just look so gorgeous" he says as he begins to tuck my hair behind my ears and cup my cheek. I just started at him with confused eyes, why was he acting like this. "Fred I-" he quickly placed his finger on my lips "shhh darling". He looked at me so differently, almost mesmerised just scanning all of my features whilst still holding his finger over my lips. He quickly snapped out of it and removed his finger from my lips and turned to leave the room still looking at me before he fully walked out. I was stood left in shock once again. Every part of me was trying to hate him still but there was that small part of me that was also begging to feel something for him, as much as I hated to admit it, he was beginning to have an affect on me. It was not good since I promised George not that long ago that I wouldn't fall for Fred but that encounter I just had with him, it was different he was being very calm with me which he never had been before, I would have been lying to myself if I said that I wasn't beginning to get feelings for him.

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