Sheriff x Male!Scientist!Reader

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You heard a low whistle then yelped when you felt a hard slap come to your bottom, "Nice ass, baby boy." You turned with a glare, seeing the person in charge of this ordeal you were in, the Sheriff. The entire time you'd been here, he would flirt with you and make teasing remarks when you got angry or flustered.

"Could you refrain from doing that, sir?" You seethed, rubbing your butt to cool down the burning sensation while straightening out your lab coat and pushing your glasses up on the bridge of your nose. The Sheriff laughed quietly, putting his thumbs in the loops of his pants, "Sorry, buddy, but I can't ignore such a good lookin' behind when I see one~" he smirked, giving you a flirtatious look. You blushed a little, an irritated gaze flashing across your face.

You sighed, turning back to your table and starting to tweak with some mixtures and chemicals you found in storage. You saw Sheriff, out the corner of your eye, slowly moving next to you and sitting on your desk, "So, whatcha doin'?" He asked. You rolled your eyes, answering without looking at him, "Just testing these chemicals to see if they could be useful somehow..." Sheriff hummed in response.

"Phew..." you whispered in a little triumph after successfully putting one drip of the strange blue liquid into the purple one without spilling it. You bent down a little, observing it's reaction to the new chemical it was now a part of. Sheriff sat up, staring at your poked out ass with a grin. When you looked up suddenly, he sputtered, quickly turning away and smiling a little, "I'm gonna take my leave. Have fun with ya' silly chemicals and shit." Sheriff said, walking away.

You shook your head, a small smile slowly appearing on your face. That cute idiot...

A while after he left, you started to think about him. His smile, his wavy hair, his laugh. And your personal favorite....his little accent. Your face became red and you furrowed your eyebrows while clearing your throat. Thinking of the person you worked for like this wasn't very formal. You pushed away your thoughts.

You were talking with some agents who had spotted you working. Though you were tired and didn't really wanna interact with anyone right now, you felt honored by the fact they decided to speak with you. "We are so close to getting that Hank Wimbleton!" "Yeah!" They both cheered and you laughed quietly, admiring their optimism.

A voice called over the intercom.

'Could Professor L/N please make his way to the Sheriff's office?'

You sighed at the sound of the female voice on the speaker, looking at the two agents, "Sorry guys, I have to go. Talk to you later!" You called behind you before walking away and down the halls. You took a turn, hands neatly kept to your side. You took pride in being professional when it came to work.

You were a respected scientist there so you didn't want to taint your reputation. You finally arrived at your destination, knocking on the door. It swung open to reveal and sweaty, tired looking Sheriff, "O-Oh, h-hey Professor." He mumbled, stuttering frequently and letting you in.

You went to sit down, softly pushing your coat under you legs and sitting on the small cushioned chair, "What is it that you needed from me, Sheriff?" You questioned, observing his body language. His cheeks were flushed and his breathing was shortened. Not to mention, his hair was messily done.

He seemed to move a little shakily, sitting down behind his desk. Once he did that, your hands sat in your lap, intertwined with each other as you waited for your boss's answer. "I've been wantin' to talk to you 'bout this for a while. I know I haven't acted the...nicest toward you and I want to, uh apologize."

You laughed quietly, crossing your arms and giving your higher up a kind look, "Well, I forgive you. There's really no need to apologize." You said, making Sheriff's eyes widen as he stood abruptly, "Really? Just like that!? C'mon it can't be that simple. I gotta give you something!" He said in shock.

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