Chapter 3: Family, Part II

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Author's note: Okay, I had sworn to myself that I wouldn't use loads of author's notes at the beginning of each chapter and for three episodes I managed to do without them. But I feel they are somewhat needed because this work is based very significantly on 'Lachrimae' and I'll be using them as disclaimers.

Yes, this episode and the next are a fanfiction written out of love for another fanfiction that once was.

For example, the Preidogian language is not mine. It was created by the authors of Lachrimae to give Mantrins a language and they went quite far in that, although in what remains of the story's original 45 chapters it doesn't go past a couple of simple words. It is described as being composed of Sogowan, Goureg and Orkeht dialects as a way for the different races to communicate with each other.

The same holds true for the traditional clothing, called poetyo. These cloth wrappings make up the body coverings of all Mantrins who haven't adapted to a modern life. Lachrimae even has a nice descriptive part on how they are applied and I'm pretty sure that in those 45 chapters they had explained how they were made. Sadly, all of that is gone now.

The games of toel and ooslaj have been created by them as well. They even explained in later chapters of the story how they're played. These are the kinds of details that do a wonderful job to enrich the culture they had made up. Since I'm writing a different kind of story, and not an in-depth cultural report like they did, I will merely mention them, and might do some explaining as the story progresses.

That's it for now.


Azdar and Masai

"Can't wait to see your hahme again."

Faeyra-Estaria's extensive monorail network did not only serve as the city's public transport system. The fast maglev trains also connected to a number of neighboring cities and smaller towns, traveling through a forcefield tube to reduce aerodynamic drag to near zero. The field was also tuned to cancel out the sound of the train traveling. If one were to stand near the track as a train passed at close to the speed of sound, the only thing one would be able to notice was the mild vibration of the ground and a barely noticeable rush for only a split tick.

The occupants did not notice a thing about the dazzling speed at which they were moved toward their destinations. The view outside was nothing but a green blur most of the time and even identifying objects at a larger distance was difficult as they disappeared out of sight before being able to get a closer look. Azdar wasn't looking at anything in particular as the train began to slow down when it approached the city where he grew up. He didn't even mind Masai using his shoulder as an extra pillow during the twenty-millicycle trip.

Their train car wasn't very full. Two human families, one Mantrin family, a single Qu'utian who had fallen asleep against the window, a Solbrechtian couple and a few other singular travelers. The quiet conversations between some of them did not interest him and even Masai's remark bounced off of his mind until the train's computer voice announced the next stop.

"Uiisa, did you say something?"

Masai let out a soft irritated grunt.

"You're completely absorbed in your thoughts again, are you? I said I can't wait to see your hahme. She's a sweet woman."

She was indeed. Or at least she used to be. After being nearly beaten to death by his father, she had changed from the strong and kind woman she was into a frail emotional wreck. He remembered the crying fits and outbursts of anger. Her wrestling with nightmares. Her inability to perform at her work. That man had destroyed their lives, and he had in turn been destroyed by his alcoholism.

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