Chapter 6: The Loss, Part I

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Jetreycka, Majih and Seylah

Faeyra-Estaria's conference center took the form of a giant open plaza, architectured in the same spirit as the rest of the city. Patches of green, small sculptured fountains and places to sit and rest were littered between the exhibition stands on the smooth tiled floor made of light-colored natural stone.

The roof, composed of thousands of transparent panels, and supported by thick metal beams, was a perfect copy of the shared roof over the communities of the southern Orkeht tribes also known as the Oghuni Teh Neywa. The panels collected the sun's energy in a highly efficient way, filtered out harmful UV radiation, and could switch their function between reflecting light or letting it through to create localized shade spots.

The exposition itself was open to both companies and civilian visitors and served to present and explain to them the latest iteration of technologies that powered the world of today and catch a glimpse of what the future held in many different aspects. From clean renewable energy to the most efficient of transportation systems, and from advanced forms of matter synthesis to the latest in simulation technology.

"Pherradyne is one of the leading energy solutions providers on Solbrecht," the exhibitor told Majih, Seylah, Jetreycka and a number of other interested parties with a bit of pride in his voice.

The large Sogowan male had introduced himself as Reyzan, as read the nametag on his white- and blue company-branded polo shirt. He shared the stand with several human and Mantrin colleagues and explained the workings of the roof panels to them as one of them took care of the demonstration by controlling the panels above their heads, creating a shade spot right over the small audience.

Looking up at Solbrecht's sky, in which the remains of the rainclouds that had drifted over the city were dissipating, Majih could see that an irregular patch of the square panels had been darkened to filter almost all light that had been falling through them. He didn't even have to squint. They finished the demonstration with a tiny shadow play, the panels forming patterns and even words in the sky in a small sequence. After most of the audience moved on to the next stand, the exhibitor noticed them as they continued to hang around.

"Very nice, don't you think? Our panels are being used by cities and communities all over Solbrecht."

"It's awesome tech," Majih admitted. "Did you help design them?"

The Sogowan nodded, resting his hands on his upper knees after coming down from the small stage.

"To be honest, I did help develop the latest model. Are you engineers, by the way?"

Majih laughed.

"Yes, but of a different kind. I run my own engine room aboard a nice little starship currently parked at the spaceport. These are my crewmates."

"Moiseh, I'm Jetreycka."


"Reyzan." He flattened an ear, a questioning look on his face. "Imperial Guard?"

"Yep," Majih answered. "Currently on a few days leave."

Reyzan chuckled, his tail swaying above the tiled floor with gentle movements.

"I've got a son in high school who's thinking about either joining the ranks or going after his kharii, but an engineer he'll be one day. That I'm sure of."

Thanking Reyzan for his presentation the trio moved on to the next stand and after walking around for another cycle, sat down on two large logs next to a small fountain in a shaded spot created by the roof panels. With the roof being relatively flat, apart from some artistic curves, and the plaza being open on all sides, the soft breeze blowing underneath kept temperatures at a pleasant level.

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