Chapter 11: The Oghuni Teh Neywa, Part II

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Baika, Jacky and Freya

The night before could have easily been a dream, or so Baika thought when she opened her eyes as the early light of day crept into the room through the open roof. She had not consumed any alcohol. Had not used any mind-altering substances, yet it felt so unreal. That the person who had been her closest friend aboard the Myr'shala since they left space dock had become so much more in a single moment that she didn't regret for a tick. And yet, she was now looking at her face, her sleeping figure, the faded striping on her back visible because of the odd position she slept in. Yes, she was very much in love with the girl she now shared this bed in the form of a giant hammock with.

Sleeping on her belly with her face turned toward her, Jacky's head had rolled half off of her pillow, her muzzle slightly agape, a little string of drool connecting her mouth to the mattress cover below. She couldn't help but think of this as cute. Resisting the urge to start petting her, she moved her own pillow a little closer to her friend.

"Oww," she heard herself coo at the level of a whisper.

Jacky's mixed descent had given her some characteristics which in her opinion only enhanced her cuteness. The big floppy ears with the darker overhanging tips. Her little fangs, which were pretty sharp as she found out last night. Even the slight overlap of her bottom teeth. Moving her own muzzle a little closer to her friend's, she found it hard to resist the urge to give her a loving lick. Jacky was still very much asleep, her chest going up and down with slow rhythmic movements, whiffing little puffs of sour breath in her face. It were these tiny flaws that made her all the more real somehow.

Her striped tail seemed to lead a life of its own, moving from lying on one side of her body over to the other. It was time to get up though. They had to make use of the cooler morning cycles for the regular daily activities. This was not a vacation in the true sense of the word. Just as she was about to wake her in the gentlest way possible, Jacky seemed to sense her presence.

There was a very slight tremble of her eyelids before they lifted, her pupils dilating as her eyes adjusted to the early light of day. Baika seized this moment to bring her hand to her friend's cheek, caressing her soft leathery beak with the back of her fingers.

"Hello," she said in a soft voice, moving her hand up to Jacky's ear, gingerly stroking its top edge. She giggled. "You're drooling. It's so cute."

Jacky groggily mumbled a few words, rolling over until she laid on her back, thereby moving away from her.

"You've been using that word an awful lot lately." Wiped her mouth with the back of her hand she yawned, then grabbed the sheet that only covered the bottom of her body below her waist and pulled it up to above her breasts. Rubbing her eyes with the heels of her hands, she groaned. "Oh Baika, what did we do last night?"

Lightly swinging the hammock as she shifted her weight by pushing herself up on her elbow, Baika couldn't resist laughing at her friend's undertone of regret, knowing she enjoyed it as much as she did. Crawling over to her she nuzzled her head into the space between Jacky's neck and her shoulder. Resting her muzzle on Jacky's collarbone, she inhaled that wonderful smell that still managed to stay with her, even after a night's sleep, and purred. She did not account for the sheet that was pulled half over her face as Jacky covered her mouth with it.

"What're you doing?"

"I've got morning breath," her muffled voice sounded through the sheet.

"Me too," she giggled. "What is with you? Everyone has that." Pulling the sheet out of her hands, she licked Jacky's cheek, letting the same hand slide down between her friend's breasts, feeling her tense muscles relax as the other girl took a breath. Letting her hand slip down further, Jacky gasped as she relived the memories of the night before. Closing her eyes, it looked like she was about to surrender to these feelings again, much to her own and Baika's pleasure. "Faey wierg."

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