Chapter 4: New talk of the town

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"That's enough from you lot. Have you grown up at all from the last time I saw you?"

They all, in fact, have grown up a bit since they last saw Shota.

Izuku has adapted his shoot-style into different forms and learned to manage with punches and other things of that category.

Eijiro and Katsuki have both learned to readjust with whoever they're put with, even though they operate better with each other with Red Riot and Dynamite's flexibility.

Lastly, Ochako has nearly perfected her hand-to-hand combat skills as well as using her Quirk as an aid to catch people off guard.

Shota might sound irritated with them but he's proud of how far they've all come. Talking to them like this reminds him of when he used to be their homeroom teacher and he almost smiles. "AH! Mr. Aizawa!" Ochako jumps out of her chair, hands in the air as she beams. "Long time no see!!"

"I'm on duty so that would be Eraser Head to you," Izuku finally backs away from Katsuki and shakes Eijiro's arm off while the other two catch up a bit.

"Sorry, Eraser Head-" Izuku quickly bows, returning to his usual self. Katsuki just scowls and looks away.

"No need to say sorry. I don't care about what you do in your free time, but once you put your signature on the sign-in sheet, you're on duty-"

"SOOO THAT MEANS YOU GOTTA DO YA JOB!!" Shota sighs and he doesn't bother to see who it is. "NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, RIGHT 'RASER?" Yamada Hizashi, professionally known as Present Mic, walks right in with Yagi Toshinori, who was (and still is) know as All Might, and invites himself to the conversation.

Eijiro chuckles lightly and Ochako nods, telling herself to do better though it's not her fault. Shota continues what he was saying. "So, keep personal affairs to a minimum, okay?"

"Yes sir," Comes their monotone rejoinder.

"I don't want to lecture you again. We're too old for this-"

"Especially me," Yagi says, about to sit down at the table. Izuku snaps out of his trance and the mood in the room transforms from a rainstorm to a sunny day.

"ALLLLL MIIIIGHTTTT!!!!" Izuku pulls him into a tight embrace and Katsuki gathers his trash from the table, walking to the trash can to throw it away. Eijiro moves closer to the assembly of heroes and joins in the conversation.

"What're all you guys doing here?!" Usually something like this would mean that something bad and/or important is going on, but Shota calms their nerves with his answer.

"Since Best Jeanist isn't in right now and most, if not, all of his staff is out on an overseas mission, we've been sent to pick up after him," Shota shakes his head in embarrassment at the fact that one of his colleagues needs this unnecessary help.

"OH!" Ochako yelps in understanding. "Is that why he'd not here!! Man, it's my first day here too...!" Yamada throws his hands in the air in the anticipation of a newbie.


"Yeah, usually he's here every day to keep us in line!!" Eijiro agrees as Katsuki comes by his side, sliding his arm around his partner's. "Right, Kats?"

"...Yeah. It's fuckin' annoying as hell-"

"I heard he makes you wear jeans sometimes!" Izuku beams, startling Yagi.

"Yeah! I remember reading that article with you, Deku-!" Ochako sounds excited just to walk on the same ground as the hero, her face resembling something of a child meeting their hero.

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