Chapter 7: Trust is a bitch to know

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Katsuki and Ochako have been out shopping for around four hours, almost five, getting things that he needs for the house and things she wants to eat.

"Bakugo-" Ochako asks, now that they're at Ito Yokado buying things for dinner.

"What?" Katsuki is semi-distracted by chicken broth brands as she talks.

"Can we get mochi?" He turns around to look at her, and Ochako has a box of the said food in her hands. The frozen foods are just beside him and he decides to put a few packs of broth in the cart before addressing her.






"PLEASE!? IT'S STRAWBERRY FLAVORED HOW CAN YOU SAY NO TO THIS?!" Ochako tries one last time and Katsuki continues walking.

"...Just this once," She cheers and runs after him to put it in the cart. "Do we have any more wasabi...?" The second sentence is directed toward himself but Ochako still responds.

"Ugh, gross! I don't like wasabi, bleeehhh!" She sticks out her tongue and pinches her nose in disgust. He doesn't even feel it in him to shout at her anymore.

"I'm not making dinner for you, so no need for you to shit yourself over it," As Ochako silently fumes, Katsuki turns the cart to the left, going into the next aisle. The shelves hold a multitude of snacks and his eyes fall onto a box of Pocky.

He remembers the day that Eijiro came up to him with a box of Pocky, asking if he wanted to kiss for a stick. Katsuki, to this day, still isn't sure where the hell he got the notion that you kiss someone for a stick, not you kiss someone with a stick, but he agreed to do it anyhow.

That was their first kiss and yet they still didn't even dare to tell each other anything. Two lovesick boys in high school not knowing what the hell to do with those unrequited feelings.

"Oooooohh, I want some Senbei!!" Katsuki seems to snap back to the present and sees Ochako picking up a pack of the rice crackers just a few feet ahead of him. "No, I've actually been craving some Dango for daaayss now-"

"I'm not buying all that fattening shit for you- You can buy that shit on your own time-"



"It's frugal, not broke," She finishes with a huff and puts the snack in the cart.

"I hate you," He sighs and they continue walking around the store, Katsuki looking for the ingredients for a good batch of some simple ramen and Ochako looking for nothing in particular.

Once the pair gets to the register, they spend a good five minutes arguing who's going to pay as the cashier awkwardly watches the off-duty heroes hiss at each other.

"FUCKING FINE! I'LL PAY THIS TIME- BUT NEXT TIME, YOU'RE PUTTING SOME YEN DOWN!" He takes out his debit card and pays as Ochako waits.

After paying, the man behind the register speaks, pointing to the touchpad. "Would you like a receipt, sir?" Katsuki presses the green button then waves Ochako back toward him.

"What is it?" She says as she walks up to him.

"Put some of these in the cart," She nods and pulls the cart from beside him as the long receipt finishes printing. "Need me to sign that?"

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