Chapter 8: Farther and farther away we go

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  "I think I should go home soon, actually-"

"Awwwhhh!" Izuku whines and scoots closer to Eijiro, nuzzling against the crook in his neck. "Can't you stay the night~~?" His face is pink and flushed from being drunk, and his hair is all down, resting on his back as he rests on Eijiro, who's just a little tipsy.

"I mean..." He seems to think about it for a moment then shakes his head. "I can't...I promised Kats I'd be home by tomorrow morning and you alwaaaayys make me stay longer in the mornings, don't you?" Izuku doesn't respond but he grumbles because he knows that Eijiro is right. "I can stay a little longer now, if you'd like?"

"Yes, please," Izuku continues to snuggle up against Eijiro, kissing his neck and face like a kitten. His lips travel to caress the redhead's lips, just giving him chaste, short things.

"Ah-" Izuku shifts his weight to sit completely atop Eijiro, properly kissing him. "Izu- Wai- Mmphf-!" Knowing how kissing is his weak point, Izuku uses his tongue as a weapon. Eijiro seems to fall for it, just for a second, but when they come up for air, he still smiles and tilts his head to the side.

"Did my plan work? Are you going to stay with me tonight?" His lopsided smile compliments his features well, as does a kiss on the tip of his nose, which brings a pink hue to Izuku's cheeks.

"I was just going to hold you, cuddle, then leave-"

"Eijiro?" He smiles at his name, intertwining his fingers with Izuku's.

"Yeah, Izu?" Hearing the nickname Eijiro uses, he feels a bit better to say what he wants to say.

"Uhhmm..." He lets the other brush his green bangs out of his eyes. "I'd rather you just leave than fuck me and leave."

"Oh," Eijiro and Izuku feel no tension between each other, just a bit of sorrow. "I'm sor-"

"Don't be," He smiles weakly and kisses him again, squeezing his hand. "It's fine if you want to go- I'll see you on Thursday, okay?"

Eijiro grins softly as well, kissing Izuku's hand before he responds. "...Yeah, I'll see you on Thursday,"

Then they both get a little needier and just cuddle for an extra forty-five minutes.


Eijiro finally comes home at 11:17, putting his shoes, keys, and coat in their selective places by the door. He sighs, happy to be home.

"Aahh...Katsuki, I'm home~" He whispers to himself as he makes his way from the front door to his bedroom. The door is ajar and the lights are off, so he turns the light on and pushes the door open a bit to check on Katsuki. "Ah?" He doesn't see anyone in the bed and thinks for a moment. Oh, yeah. He said Uraraka was over...I wonder if they're outside talking? He puts his bag down by the bedroom door then turns around, going through his living room to the deck outside his house.

He opens the door and sure enough, Katsuki and Ochako are outside. Oh, are they sleeping? No one has moved since he opened the door, so that's the best bet. It's a chilly night right now, the sky is pretty clearer than usual and the breeze blows all of their hair in their faces. Their backs are turned to Eijiro, who decides to wake them up. He inches steadily closer to them and taps Ochako's shoulder, to no avail.

"Um, Uraraka?" He lightly shakes her and they both groan but no one wakes up, so he moves to squat in front of them, this time tapping her with a little more pressure. "Ura?" She grumbles and properly sits up, which causes Katsuki to lightly fall into her lap.

"Mmmm...what?" She finally opens her eyes and slowly realizes where she is, his brain clicking. Before she can make a loud realization, Eijiro puts a finger to his mouth, gesturing to Katsuki, who's still sleeping. "Oh!" Ochako whisper-shouts and nods. "Sorry! Did you, um, want me to leave?"

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