Chapter 14: Only if u want to

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Izuku is sad.

Ever since Eijiro left him, every chance he gets, Izuku goes to take a shower, cries, then comes out, gets dressed, turns on music, and lays on his bathroom floor in complete silence until he gets too emotional to stay awake and he goes to bed. It's been weeks since this started happening. Ochako noticed around a week into this but he wouldn't stop. Ochako would bring it up in conversation and Izuku would act like it never happened. So, now she doesn't ask about it anymore. It hasn't affected his work performance so Ochako assumes it's okay for now.

Izuku doesn't talk about what's bothering him because he's bound to burst into tears. For that reason, he never talks about it. Izuku has already replayed their entire relationship inside his mind and even overanalyzed it to properly understand it but no matter how many times he looks back he can't change anything about it.

During the weekdays, after work, he just sinks back into this state, sulking. The weekends have become even worse since Ochako isn't around much anymore; All he does is watch k-drama and romance, eat ice cream until he can't feel his jaw or lips, and pretend he's in an Olivia Rodrigo music video. Izuku's supposed to be calling and talking to people to help plan what they're all going to do on May 1st about La Prugatoira. However, he can't move on. All that's on his mind is Eijiro and he hates and loves the feeling.


"And I'm going, then! Bye guys- Have fun!" Eijiro has just left his home with his Huskey, Chipoya (they named the animals a while back), leaving Katsuki, Ochako, Mina, Tsuyu Asui, Hanta, Shoto, Tetsutetsu, and Denki in his house. They're all here to talk about plans for late April and early May. Eijiro would've joined as well yet he claimed he had to rush to the library for research. No one could get him to stay so he left, and now the group discusses strategies without him.

They've been talking and Katsuki's been delegating for around 20 minutes when Tetsutetsu and Shoto suddenly stand, Tetsutetsu's arm around Shoto's waist as if Shoto is his life-support. Katsuki stops talking and looks up from the floorplans that sit on his hardwood floors. "Wh- You idiots. What are you doing? We have shit to do-" Hanta and Denki giggle wildly like teenage girls. It could be the weed or just their usual dumb selves but either way, Mina hits them as a warning.

"What's so funny, Kami-Chan?" Tsuyu asks, their curiosity piqued as Ochako joins in on the laughing when Katsuki yells at the couple making their way to the kitchen as if they do it every day.

"What's funny is the fact that we're here for a mission and we have two idiots getting snacks-" Denki catches his breath long enough to speak like he's been underwater for the last minute and has just now come up for air.

"SURE! 'SNACKS'! OKAY, HAHAAHAH!!" Hanta and Ochako double over, wheezing even as Tsuyu shakes their head and the remaining two try not to laugh.

"St-stop laughhnn Snort! STOP LAUGHING, CHEEKS!!" Katsuki finds himself laughing along with the rest of them like children. Even Tsuyu and Mina giggle like the laughter is a contagious yawn.

The group calms down after a moment, everyone catching their breath until an unidentified yelp whips around the room, silencing them all for a second. Katsuki relaxes his facial features again, and holds up his hand, keeping everyone silent. "I hope to God, Buddha, and Jehovah that y'all are not fucking in my kitchen,"

There's silence again until Ochako just loses it like that was the funniest joke in the world. Everyone else burst into giggles too, Hanta and Denki having a horrible case of cackling. Katsuki hisses through his laughs, pretending like he didn't find it funny as well. "You shiiitsss- CHEEKS, GET OFF MEEE!!" Ochako shoved her face onto Katsuki's thigh, wheezing into it like he's a paper bag for her to breathe into. Everyone else finally starts to calm down as these two still laugh and Katsuki pulls Ochako off him by her neck, looking into her stupid, huge brown eyes with his stupid, narrow red ones.

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