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Hey peps sorry this came out late next week I'll try to post everyday love you.Anyways letsss go.
My pov
Today was a Saturday Saiki was dreading Sunday already because everyone one in the group he was in were coming to have a 'sleepover'.Gosh he hated sleepovers ever since he turned 8.He had a sleepover with a friend and boy oh boy did he hate it there was a lot of noise and ruckus so he really hated sleepovers then but his hate eased when he grew.And he also saw something he hated the most(guess what it was).It was a flipping bug so he didn't want that to happen again."Ku someone is here for you",his mother said out loud.He walked downstairs (what did you expect him to do teleport)."Ko ni Chua Mr.Saiki it is a pleasure to meet you um I am here to discuss your sleepover with Mr.Saiko",a woman with a maid outfit said."He said he would come tomorrow by 12:30 am and he will leave on Sunday by 3:45pm so please take note",the woman said.Saiki looked pissed but didn't say a word.~first I have to deal with everyone coming to my house now Saiko is coming way too early gosh I really hate this~."Wait a minute Ku you never told me you were having a sleepover",his mom said turning into a very scary woman.~Im gonna die I'm actually going to die~,Saiki said worried for his life.5:55pm.
Kaidous pov
You can do this Kaidou you can do this it's not like Saiki is gonna be built wait what in the world am I saying just his back is already showing how built he actually is omg omg omg what am I gonna do."Big brother are you doing alright",Taro said from outside."Don't worry I'm fine just thinking of what to do with you when I go-i have an idea how about I take you to aunties house",I said trying to think of a place to take him."Where would you like to go",I said finally giving in and asking him."Can I please go to a sleepover I was invented to it's just for 2weeks",Taro said blushing.Wait a minute why was he blushing."And bro I-i need to tell you something",Taro said."What is it bud,come sit down",I said worried."Well you know Mike right",Taro said blushing.I gave him a smug look I know where this is going,"Yes I do",I said."Well I think-i think I like him",Taro said with his eyes closed shut.I started crying my brother is too honest with his words.I hug him and he  also starts crying."Hey don't be scared I will always love you no matter you you choose to like ok",I said wiping away my tears."But since when did you realize this",I said."Well um I started liking everything he did he protected people he made sure no one was hurt he also made sure everyone was happy he never let anyone down he's also really smart",Taro started listing the reasons."Ok ok I get it you were spying on him weren't you",I said with a smug look.My brother gasped dramatically and we tackled each other to the floor.My brother was again blushing but he was a tomato."I don't spy on him I just heard everything about him",Taro said folding his hands pouting."Ok ok I'm sorry could you get off me now",I said laughing.

Saikos pov
I woke up early did my usual routine I changed brushed my hair and got ready.I was ready I still had about 40 minutes.The earlier the better.I went downstairs and ate breakfast.I got into my car and they started driving.I got to Kaidous house."Big brother your friend is here",Taro said running to me and giving me a hug."Hey there bud are you ready",I said."Mhm I am thank you so much for agreeing to drive me there",he said."Of course your my friends brother why wouldn't I help you",I said smiling.He smiled back and he got into the car just as Kaidou came out."M lady",I said."Hey that's mean",he said blushing of embarrassment."Mhm",I said
  We finally got there after a long drive."Have a good 2weeks bro", Kaidou said hugging Taro and giving him a kiss on the forehead before he left.It took 35 minutes to drive him there but it took shorter to drive to Saiki's house.How in the world was that possible (Bitch your welcome).We rang the doorbell and Saikis mother answered his mother had black hair and black eyes she was a beautiful woman."Your Kus friends right",she said she had a high pitched voice but it was still very beautiful."Wow are you Saikis mom", Kaidou said."Yes I am Kus mom and you are",Saikis mom said looking cheerful."Um my name is Kaidou shun and he's Saiko Megami",Kaidou said smiling."Come in come in Saiki should be in his room",Mrs.Saiki said."You know I'm happy Saiki has actual friends all his other friends always pushed him away when they learned my Ku was gay",Saikis mom said she wasn't smiling this time she was frowning."My Ku didn't deserve any of those thing he just needed friends he tried to protect people but they pushed him away,my Ku just needed friends but everyone was mean to him my Ku lost all his joy when his brother moved away the only thing that can bring a smile to his face nowadays is coffee jelly",his mom said trying to hide her tears(oof forgot to explain in this au Saiki and Kusuke never wanted to see who was the best they were like actual brothers they faught sometimes but never to the point of killing each other).I gave Mrs.Saiki a hug her son has gone through so much no wonder he was distant he never showed emotion nor anything he just had a blank stare.Kaidou also joined the hug Mrs.Saiki just kept crying.10 minutes later she wiped her tears."I'm sorry for the inconvenience please make yourselves at home.Many other people like Terahashi,Aiura and Chiyo had already arrived.They looked worried.Saiki came downstairs almost as worried as them for the first time he actually spoke."What happened here",he said with his same blank expression.The only thing we all did was stare at Saiki how could he be so good at hiding his emotions.I and Kaidou sat up and just walked over to him he was taller than both of us but we didn't care we just hugged him he looked confused but hugged us back.
Hey peps again sorry for the late ubdate but I slept in you know the reason though any ways this was 1183 words in total.Wow bigger than the last two.Enjoy this long ass chapter

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