Sleepover 3

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Hey guess who's back...yeah y'all are probably disappointed that I spent months trying to write one story but I forgot y'all existed but not to worry I'm back with the story 'My Love For You'.So enjoy and letsss go.
Narrator's pov
It was only the first day of this stupid sleepover and Saiki was already dreading it but it looked like his group had other plans."So Saiki how were your last few days in school,I mean it must be really hard to just be new to school yet so popular",Terahashi did starting the conversation.Saiki just looked at her with a face that just said no in 20 different ways and when Terahashi noticed this she literally melted."Saiki d-don't you think that face is a bit too much?",Chiyu said trying to help Terahashi back to her confidence self and Terahashi was literally sobbing by now.Saiki just stood up and he left,wow Saiki was really that cold to other people huh.
Second day of the sleepover
"KUSUO SAIKI, where in the world are your manners you made a girl cry and you never said sorry for it...Ku you used to be so sweet I don't understand what happened to you.You were never like this is it because you think you had so much responsibility but you never looked at my responsibilities I gave birth to you and had to take care of a child that was abnormal....Yes I'm saying it now and I'm not afraid.I TOOK CARE OF A PHSYCIC FOR A WHOLE 16 YEARS.I had to take care of you.",Saiki's mom said falling to her knees and she started sobbing painfully.Saiki wanted to calm his mother down but she said the most shocking thing."Don't touch me,I don't have any time to deal with you right now", Saiki's mom had said and she got up and left, leaving Saiki there.And his mood just got darker and darker so dark they they even"mom-",Saiki said faintly, at least everyone was asleep he just decided to go back to his room painfully knowing that his only light and hope had backed away from him.He felt nothing,no happiness no sadness no anger no affection...nothing.So when everyone woke up they were surprised to see Saiki's glasses off his face and his eyes didn't look their usual purple they looked black.Soon they heard him mutter."im sorry t-ter---ahas-----------hi.",Saiki said and he stood up and left leaving everyone there confused and worried.So they tried their best during the second day Monday to test out their plan.Nendou had left because he was apart of another group but he just came to see Terahashi.So they finally came up with another plan.Saiki walked into the room and he sat on his bed quietly.So~Saiki what's up with you this morning?"Aiura ask and of course Saiki didn't answer.But then they decided to start with the project then maybe Saiki would smile during the process of deciding.So they started debating Aiura decided to do Romeo and Juliet while Terahashi decided to do beauty is pain.Saiko had decided to do Rich boy benefits and Kaidou decided to do  Intergalactic megnafortic marimanium boy. Which isn't even close to being a real show.And when it came to Saiki's turn he thought for a minute then thought of it he then said it,"Lovely",Saiki said and everyone was amazed by the the movie he chose."Isn't that a new Korean movie that came out just this year(Yeah yeah I know there's no movie like that but common you gotta come up with your own movies at times right?).So they started working on it Saiko made the costumes by calling his personal tailors,Terahashi decided on the hairdressing Aiura and Chiyu decided on the script by watching the movie 5 whole times in one row.Saiki was the one to decide on the lighting and Kaidou was the director since he loved acting more than anyone else,(If you know what I mean).And soon after everyone was having a great time,well everyone except for Saiki he just did his job dully everyone had a part. Terahashi was Mitsurima the main characters sister Saiki was the main character,Saiko was the best friend of Saiki and Kaidou had to act like the main characters boyfriend Chiyu was Saiki's friend and Aiura was the narrator and the music director.So now it was all done they had decided and even if the movie was three hours long they finally finished at only 1hour."Wow that was hard wasn't it?",Aiura said happy that the plan had finally worked out and so we're the others the only one not celebrating was Saiki and they were not really happy anymore.
On the last day of the sleepover when they woke up they had seen that Saiki wasn't in his bed.They thought he was in the kitchen but they never found him there they checked all around his house but never found him and everyone was getting so worried and they told his mom causing her to be scared."Last time this happened we finally saw him in the most private room in this house....His brothers room.And he was taking.... Happy Pills",Saiki's mother said,and everyone went pale they ran straight to Kusuke's room and the room was locked."Kusuo, please open the door,Kusuo please", Saiki's mom said as she wept and cried on the floor.Then everyone started to cry even Saiko who was of course trying to hide it.Soon they heard a voice,"Oops I must've came by the wrong time",the voice said and(You know what even if I don't know her name imma call her Mitsubi ). Mitsubi was delighted to hear the voice.And she ran to her son,"KUSUKE YOUR BACK FINALLY,your brother needs you and he won't come out of your room", Mitsubi said pointing towards Kusuke's room.Kusuke walked slowly towards his room knocked on the door and said"Knock knock lil bro", Kusuke said and Saiki peaked his head out slowly.His eyes were still a bit dark but this time they were gray.
"Hey look bro I made this for you",Little Kusuke said."Wow it's so cool what is it what is it",Little Saiki said hopping around happily."Hehe called down lil bro it's just a toy I made from scratch", Kusuke said."Wow,that's so cool you might be the smartest in the world."But bro why is it half pink half black",Saiki said,and Kusuke smiled."You'll understand when your older"Kusuke said and patted Saiki's head.

End of flashback
"Now do you understand the meaning of the gift I gave you?", Kusuke said and Saiki nodded Kusuke smiled and said.Common now you need to leave my room now don't  you think?", Kusuke said and Saiki instantly stepped out."Good boy now go on .Saiki nodded and his eyes tired purple again but this time with a little spark in his eyes.
Wow now I'm thinking this is the longest wait lemme check.........yep it's definitely the longest with 1193 words before this Authors note and now it's 1210 words anywho bye ok now it's 1216

MY LOVE FOR YOU [SAIKI x KAIDOU x SAIKO]Where stories live. Discover now