Chapter 1

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(Y/n)=your name
* *=thinking
" "=talking

Appearance and clothing minus the ponytail

Appearance and clothing minus the ponytail

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(Y/N) POV:

The guild was rowdy as ever relaxing going out to a quest being loud and starting a fight for no specific reason I truly hated how the whole guild would start a fight it truly disrupts my peace so I mostly go on S class missions to avoid this but I just got back from one and would like to sit back read my book and rela-

Loke"ERZA'S BACK!!!"


Everyone started panicking and stopped what they were doing and sat down in response to this I simply went inside my shadow to avoid any confrontation


I watched as everyone started to panic even natsu and gray stopped their fight whoever this person was must be terrifying to make those two stop fighting I then turned my attention to the open doors and saw a red headed woman wearing an armored chest plate and a blue skirt carrying a large horn

Erza"I'm back is master present at the moment"

Mira"welcome back master is attending the regular meeting with the other guild masters"

Erza"I see..."

Random guild member"e-erza what is that humongous thing"

Erza"this...the townspeople decorated the horn of the demon I stopped it was so pretty I brought it back as a souvenir"

Erza started looking around trying to find someone but didn't seem to see them...

Erza:sigh"where is he?"
Erza mumbled

Erza"anyways I have you all of you have been causing trouble even if master forgives you lot I won't "

I noticed everyone starting to tense up even more after what she said though it seems like she's trying to look for someone

Lucy"who is she?"

Happy"that's erza she's really strong"

Erza"Cana you drink too much!, vigiter if your going to dance do it outside!, kaba your cigarette buds are all over the floor!,nab pick a job already from the request board!, Macao.... I got nothing to say to you

Macao seemed a bit down from what erza said but natsu and grey surprised me the most

Erza"where's natsu and gray"

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